Displacement in Tahoua and Tillaberi


Feb 21 2020 Print
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Niger — Village Assessment Survey — Round 7
Feb 23 2024

<p>In Round 7, <strong>378 868 </strong>IDP individuals and <strong>74 358</strong> IDP households, <strong>163 611</strong> returnees and <strong>24 429</strong> returnee households were identified.</p>

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment, Village Assessment
Niger — Village Assessment Survey — Round 6
Jun 06 2023

A village assessment survey (VAS) is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It collects data on returning IDPs, IDPs, returned migrants and host community members. VAS evaluates the absorption capacity of villages to receive returning IDPs with a focus on accessibility of services, livelihoods and…

Mobility Tracking, Village Assessment
Niger — Village Assessment Survey — Round 4
May 31 2022

A village assessment survey (VAS) is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It collects data on returning IDPs, IDPs, returned migrants and host community members. VAS evaluates the absorption capacity of villages to receive returning IDPs with a focus on accessibility of services, livelihoods and…

Mobility Tracking, Village Assessment
Niger — Village Assessment Survey — Round 5
Nov 16 2022

A village assessment survey (VAS) is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It collects data on returning IDPs, IDPs, returned migrants and host community members. VAS evaluates the absorption capacity of villages to receive returning IDPs with a focus on accessibility of services, livelihoods and…

Mobility Tracking, Village Assessment
Niger — Baseline Assessment — Round 1
Feb 03 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment

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