Lebanon — Migrant Worker Vulnerability Baseline Assessment Follow Up Report (September 2020)




Période couverte
Sep 02 2020
Sep 08 2020
  • Other

On 4th August 2020, a large explosion occurred at the port of Beirut, Lebanon that left more than 6,500 individuals injured and caused at least 180 deaths. To assess the impact of the explosion on the migrant worker community, a follow-up survey was enacted to the Lebanon — Foreign Nationals Multi Sector Needs Assessment Analysis (May-July 2020). The prior report explores the impact the COVID-19 on the needs and conditions of migrant workers in Beirut, while the current report explores how the explosion has exacerbated their situations. The previous analysis was conducted and limited to 297 migrant workers who were reportedly residing in Beirut — this formed the initial baseline for needs and vulnerabilites. IOM rapidly followed up with the same 297 migrant workers, interviewed in the baseline assessment, through telephone interviews. This follow up assessment utilised the Global DTM Network. Due to the different languages spoken by the migrant workers, the Global DTM enumerator network was mobilised with telephone interviews being conducted by DTM enumerators in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Lebanon The follow up assessment attempted to contact all 297 migrant workers, successfully interviewing 99 who are still residing in Beirut as of September 2020.