Mozambique – COVID-19 Preparedness Assessment in Resettlement Sites Report 7 (August 2020)




Période couverte
Aug 04 2020
Aug 07 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in collaboration with the Government of Mozambique’s National Disaster Management Agency (INGC) conducted an assessment in the resettlement sites from 04 to 07 August 2020, with the sole purpose to inform government and humanitarian partners on preparedness levels and precautionary measures currently available in resettlement sites hosting populations displaced by Cyclone Idai. The information gathered is intended to help partners plan interventions. This information will further allow partners to identify recommended health and site preparation measures to prevent and contain an outbreak in the resettlement sites in the central region.

In the 73 resettlement sites assessed, 11 sites (Bandua 2019, Begaja, Chingemidji, Inhajou 2019 and Maximedje sites in Buzi district, Mdhala and Muconja sites in Chibabava district, all in Sofala province; and Chibue, Macocoe, Mucombe and Ngurue sites in Sussudenga district of Manica province) reported that in the past month, 51 Mozambican migrant workers returning from South Africa and Zimbabwe settled in the sites. All sites reported a noticeable change in people’s behaviours and habits to better prevent COVID-19.