South Sudan — Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (April 2020)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Apr 01 2020
Apr 30 2020
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix conducted 5,172 interviews representing 15,228 individual movements into and out of Bentiu Protection of Civilian (PoC) site, Malakal PoC site, Wau PoC Adjacent Area (AA) and Wau collective centres. The Diocesan Major Response Team on COVID-19 decided to close several Wau collective centres as communicated on 6 April 2020. As of 12 April 2020, Nazareth, Cathedral, St. Joseph and Lokoloko (3,743 ind. in March 2020 according to the DTM population count) were deserted apart from a few stranded households. Page 5, usually dedicated to the combined collective centres, will therefore focus on Masna’s movement profi­le.

IOM DTM interviewed 298 households representing 1,251 of the 3,743 individuals who permanently left the closing collective centres between 7 and 11 April 2020. Over 90 per cent of these headed for locations within Wau County, especially Wau South (62%) and Wau North (26%), followed by Jur River (3% - map on p9). Please note that IDPs preferring Jur River as potential destination are most commonly living at Masna Collective Centre (which remained open) according to the latest DTM Intention Survey (January 2020). Those leaving collective centres in Wau cited church pressure to leave or other COVID-19 related reasons including safety concerns. Departing households were 58 per cent female, 51 per cent children under 18, 14 per cent under 5 years, 3 per cent over 60 years and 32 per cent adult female as opposed to 17 per cent adult male.