Ukraine — Express Surveys Report — Impact of COVID-19 Related Restrictions on Small Business and Vulnerable Populations in Eastern Conflict Area (GCA and NGCA) (27th March — 4th April 2020)




NMS Ukraine,
Période couverte
Mar 27 2020
Apr 04 2020
  • Survey
Shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the COVID-19 pandemic on 11 March 2020, the Government of Ukraine introduced a list of restrictions aimed at mitigating the spread of the novel coronavirus1. Current restrictions are in place until 24 April and continue to ban the operation of restaurants, bars, beauty and leisure establishments all over the country. These measures have forced many employees to take unpaid leaves and face indefinite disruptions in their income. Schools, kindergartens, universities and other education facilities are closed and apply various models of distance learning. In the context of IOM Ukraine strategic response and preparedness plan, three express surveys were conducted from 27 March to 4 April with the aim of assessing the impact of COVID-19 disease and response on SME community and vulnerable populations in government-controlled and non-government-controlled areas (GCA and NGCA) of the Eastern Conflict Area. The findings of the surveys will be used by IOM to quickly and effectively respond to the most immediate needs or affected target groups.