Haiti — COVID-19 Border Monitoring — Situation Report 1 (23 March 2020)




Période couverte
Mar 23 2020
Mar 23 2020
  • Flow Monitoring
The COVID-19 outbreak first reported in the People's Republic of China in late 2019 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 11 March 2020. As of 19 March, 207,855 cases had been reported in 166 countries, areas or territories according to WHO and the neighboring country Dominican Republic already reported 34 individuals infected and 2 deaths. On 20 March the first two cases have been confirmed in Haiti and the country remains at high risk of rapid contagion given the weak health system, the proximity and porous border with Dominican Republic and the limited external connections now possible. In response, the Government of Haiti has communicated many important instructions to minimize the spread of the disease, particularly: closure of schools and factories, closure of airports and ports to passengers, banning of meetings of more than 10 people, nationwide curfew between 20:00 and 5:00 and plea for social distancing guidelines to be respected. IOM has adapted its ongoing Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) initiative along the Haiti– Dominican Republic to support the ongoing preparedness and response. The Flow Moni-toring initiative is being carried out in 50 Border Crossing Points between Haiti and the Dominican Republic: 46 unofficial points and 4 official points.