South Sudan — Intentions And Perception Survey – Wau Displacement Sites (January 2020)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Dec 12 2019
Jan 23 2020
  • Survey
  • Community Perception
  • Displacement Solutions

IOM DTM interviewed 1,281 households living at Wau PoC AA and five collective centres, namely Cathedral, Lokoloko, Masna, Nazareth and St Joseph. Interviews were conducted between 7 and 23 January 2020.  

  • An average of 36% of respondents per site reported an intention to leave. Whilst this value was highest for Lokoloko and Cathedral (47% and 40%), only 19% of Masna respondents reported an intention to leave.
  • Respondents who did not intend to leave mainly cited insecurity at destination areas, as well as the comparatively better conditions at places of current settlement as reasons for remaining.  Women were seen to be the most prone to having issues, risks, or concerns at destinations preventing return movements.
  • An average of 36% believed their preferred destinations were unsafe at the time of assessment whilst 22% said they did not have enough information to make an informed decision whether to leave. Amongst those who cited Rocrocdong as destination, an average of nearly two-thirds thought it was unsafe (av. 64%).
  • Shelter NFIs were the most needed humanitarian support according to respondents who wished to return - especially for those preferring to leave for Bagari and Besselia destinations.