DTM Yemen — Flow Monitoring Dataset — February 2020


Jeux de données publique


  • Flow Monitoring
Période couverte
Feb 01 2020 -
Feb 29 2020
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Yemen is pleased to share with you the latest monthly Flow Monitoring Dashboard on movements observed at flow monitoring points in February 2020. From 1 to 29 February 2020 IOM-DTM estimates that 9,624 migrants entered Yemen and 2,954 Yemeni returned from Saudi Arabia. The migrant caseload has been primarily Ethiopian (94%) and Somalis (6%), with 97% of those tracked heading for Saudi Arabia and 3% towards Yemen. The migrants are predominantly male (72%), with 16% women and 10% boys and 2% girls also among the travellers. Through the February 2020 reporting period, the highest arrivals were observed at Shabwah governorate with 5,560 migrants entering at the Al-Khabyah monitoring point. METHODOLOGY: DTM’s global flow monitoring methodology aims to identify areas prone to internal, cross-border and regional migration. Mobility area assessments are conducted at the national level. DTM teams then collect information at the local level to identify key transit points. Enumerators collect data from key informants at the flow monitoring points: key informants may be transport staff, custom officers, boat operators or migrants themselves. Data is collected through a basic form combined with direct observations –enabling breakdowns. LIMITATIONS: Data collected for these exercises should be understood as estimations only. They represent only part of the total flows passing through Yemen. The spatial and temporal coverage of this data collection activity is therefore incomplete. In addition, although data is collected daily, it is collected only during peak hours. The portion of the flows that occur during the uncovered hours is not represented. Data on vulnerability is based on direct observation and should be understood as mainly indicative.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries