Turkey — Migrant Presence Monitoring - Situation Report (May 2019)




DTM Turkey, dtmturkey@iom.int
Republic of Türkiye
Période couverte
May 01 2019
May 31 2019
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking

According to the latest available figures frmo the Turkish Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM) there were more than 3,9 million foreign nationals seeking international protection in Turkish territory at the end of May 2019. Most of them are Syrian nationals (3,610,398) who are granted the temporary protection (TP) status, while according to UNHCR another large group are foreign nationals (368,230) (asylum seekers and refugees) mainly from Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Somalia and other countries. The vast majority of Syrian nationals under temporary protection are residing in urban areas while some 112,708 stay in 13 government run camps in the vicinity of the border with Syrian Arab Republic. Turkish Land Forces reported apprehending 23,992 irregular migrants in May 2019, 8 per cent incraese compared to 22,144 reigsterd previous month and 16 per cent decrease from 28,523 registered in May 2018.