Republic of Moldova — Ukrainian Nationals Crossing Back to Ukraine (April - June 2024)




DTM Europe,
Republic of Moldova
Période couverte
Apr 01 2024
Jun 30 2024
  • Survey
  • Return Intention

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collects data on Ukrainian nationals and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) that were crossing back to Ukraine from or through the Republic of Moldova, either for temporary stay or prospective return. The survey focuses on the return intentions, duration of displacement, destinations, assistance, and experiences of unequal treatment of the respondents. A total of 1,783 surveys were collected between April and June 2024.

Key findings:

  • 70% of Ukrainian respondents planned to go for a short visit, 18% intended to stay in Ukraine (prospective returnees), while 12% were not sure about their intentions.
  • Half of the respondents (49%) had been residing in the Republic of Moldova, 9% in Romania, 6% in Germany. The remaining 36% stayed in other countries.
  • 86% were going back to their Oblast of origin, while 14% were going back to a different Oblast.
  • 52% had been displaced between January and June 2022.
  • 26% crossed back to Ukraine regularly since 2022, most of them (99%) had been residing in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Main priority needs that were cited by respondents include financial support (37%), personal safety and security (31%) and long term accommodation (12%).