Slovakia — Ukrainian Nationals Crossing Back to Ukraine (April - June 2024)




DTM Europe,
Période couverte
Apr 01 2024
Jun 30 2024
  • Survey
  • Return Intention
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data on Ukrainian nationals and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) that crossed back to Ukraine from or through Slovakia, either temporarily or permanently. The survey focuses on the return intentions, duration of displacement, destinations, assistance, and experiences of discrimination of respondents. A total of 1,467 surveys were collected between April and June 2024.

Key findings:

  • 30% of Ukrainian respondents intend to stay in Ukraine (prospective returnees), while 64% plan to go for a short visit.
  • The share of those intending to return to Ukraine is higher among men than women (42% vs 30%). Women are more likely to be crossing into Ukraine for a short visit than men (64% vs 53%).
  • Most of the short-term visitors plan to stay in their own home in Ukraine (86% overall), while others report to be going to their relatives’ homes (6%), finding other private solutions (6%) or staying with friends (2%). The share of those planning to stay with relatives is higher among short-term visitors (20%) than among prospective returnees (3%)
  • Reasons for returning for prospective returnees include: visit relatives or close friends (73%), meet with family members (14%), reunite with their family (5%).
  • Reasons for returning for short-term visitors include: visit family members (80%), healthcare (32%), help family (20%).
  • 64% of the Ukrainian nationals originate from seven regions in Ukraine: Zakarpatska (29%), Kyiv (15%), Kharkivska (7%), Dnipropetrovska (7%), and Lvivska (6%). The remaining 36% of respondents come from another 20 regions across Ukraine.