Monitoring circular migration trends of Nicaraguan nationals – Cantons La Cruz, Upala and Los Chiles – May 2024




Costa Rica
Période couverte
May 01 2024
May 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The mixed migratory movements of Nicaraguan nationals to Costa Rica are a constant trend, intensifying due to political, economic and social factors and representing continuous challenges for both countries in the search for answers in terms of migration policies, which include solutions in employment, education, access to basic services, among others.

During May 2024, the General Directorate of Migration (DGME, by its Spanish acronym) of Costa Rica registered a total of 41,235 migratory movements (46% entries and 54% exits), which also represented, compared to April, a decrease of 18%. in entries and a 15% increase in exits. On the other hand, from May 15 and 31, IOM in Costa Rica registered 10,211 migratory movements at two unofficial border points (41% entries and 59% exits).

Understanding the border dynamics of those who cross it is fundamental in comprehending the needs of the migrant population and formulating proposals for their attention. Given these challenges, it is essential to have updated information on the sociodemographic profile, migration motives, needs, and dynamics of Nicaraguan migration movements at the northern border of Costa Rica.