Nigeria — North-central & North-west Flash Report 163 (22 - 28 April 2024)




DTM Nigeria,
Période couverte
Apr 22 2024
Apr 28 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Between 25 - 28 April 2024, armed bandits attacked the communities of Gidan Sale in Isa South ward, Shalla Village in Turba ward and Katanga, Dan Adama, Baichi, Kunkurus and Satiru Village in Tozai ward of Isa Local Governement Area (LGA) in Sokoto State and the community of Kayaye Tungan Kado in Badarawa ward of Shinkafi LGA in Zamfara State. There were reports of 51 injuries and 19 fatalities. The attacks displaced 3,220 individuals in 626 households. Among the 3,220 individuals affected, 675 individuals were displaced from Shalla Village in Turba ward to Kubliya Islamiya School in Isa North ward, 748 individuals were displaced from Katanga, Dan Adama and Baichi in Tozai ward to Sarkin Gobir Primary School in Isa North ward, 925 individuals were displaced from Kunkurus and Satiru in Tozai ward to Women Centre in Isa North ward, 346 individuals were displaced from Gidan Saleh in Isa South ward of Isa LGA of Sokoto State to Gidan Gona IDP camp in Shinkafi South ward of Shinkafi LGA of Zamfara State and 526 individuals were displaced from Kayaye Tungan Kado in Badarawa ward of Shinkafi LGA to Gidan Gona IDP camp in Shinkafi South ward. The displaced individuals included 1,803 children, 882 women and 531 men.