Pakistani Migrants' Presence in Libya (October - December 2023)




DTM Pakistan,; DTM Libya,
Période couverte
Oct 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

This snapshot on Pakistani migrants’ presence in Libya is part of the outputs of IOM’s EU-funded Displacement Tracking Matrix - Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP) project. Data collected through the Mobility Tracking assessment in Libya identified 5,852 Pakistani nationals in the country between October and December 20231. In addition, 94 flow monitoring surveys have been conducted. Mobility Tracking in Libya gathers data through key informant interviews at both the municipality and community levels on a bi-monthly basis. All 100 municipalities were assessed during the data collection period. Of the total migrants identified by key informants in the country in October and December 2023, Pakistani migrants comprised only one per cent of total migrants in the country; however, Pakistani nationals accounted for 10 per cent of all migrants, including refugees, from Asia and the Middle East. Ninety-five per cent of Pakistani migrants used air travel as their means of transportation to Libya. In addition, the average cost of their migration was 2,333 USD2. Eighty-four per cent of Pakistani migrants were identified in eastern Libya. However, the highest concentration was in Benghazi (74%) in the east, followed by Sirt (9%) in the west and Ejdabia (7%) in the east.