DTM Yemen - Flow Monitoring Datasets - December 2023


Jeux de données publique


  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring
Période couverte
Dec 01 2023 -
Dec 31 2023

In December 2023, IOM Yemen DTM recorded 1,679 migrants entering Yemen, an increase of 13 per cent compared to last month (1,465). Shabwah typically serves as an entry point for migrants from Somalia and rarely sees migrants departing from Djibouti due to the considerable distance between Djibouti and Shabwah. In Shabwah, the total number of migrants entered during December was 1,569 (1,197 departing from Somalia and 372 departing from Djibouti). 

The overall number of migrants entering through Shabwah has increased by seven per cent in December (1,569) compared to November (1,465). According to DTM, conflict-induced movements constituted 73 per cent of all incoming movements in December 2023. These movements were exclusively observed in Shabwah, originating from Bari, Somalia (70%) and Obock, Djibouti (30%). 

Djibouti DTM team recorded 286 migrants (272 males and 14 females) returned to the Horn of Africa during December 2023 due to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and challenges in reaching Saudi Arabia. Additionally, DTM observed a decrease in Yemeni returnees by six per cent in December (4,827) compared to November (5,111). Between January and December 2023, DTM recorded a total of 97,210 migrants and 55,402 Yemeni migrant returnees to Yemen.

Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries