Ghana — Multisectoral needs assessment of IDPs in collective centers (November 2023)




Période couverte
Nov 16 2023
Nov 18 2023
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

Rising water levels upstream from the Akosombo dam caused the Volta river authority to commence the spillage of excess water on 15 September 2023. The spillage caused flooding in communities downstream from the dam, destroying homes and farmland as well as displacing 39,333 people. Supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) registered populations in the collective centers (also known as safe havens) to obtain updated figures on the internally displaced persons (IDPs). IOM deployed its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) to collect information on trends of displacement and needs of the populations affected by the flood. ​

After the registration exercise of IDPs in the collective centers, a sample size representative of the population has been randomly selected from the registration database. In total, 528 head of households have been interviewed on their displacement conditions, housing, non-food items (NFI) needs, education, food security, means of subsistence, protection, mental health and other needs. Data collection was conducted between November 16th and 18th, 2023, in the four districts where collective centers are located, namely Ada East, Central Tongu, North Tongu and Shai Osudoku. It used a questionnaire developed by IOM that incorporates inputs from United Nations partners. The data collection process has been conducted in close coordination with the World Food Programme (WFP) and Word Vision. ​

This dashboard provides an overview of the livelihood conditions and needs of the affected populations in the districts of Ada East, Central Tongu, North Tongu and Shai Osudoku and only includes the essential analysis for each sector.