Yemen - Area Assessment R39 IRG Governorates_IDP Returnees Dataset July to September 2023


Jeux de données publique


DTM Yemen,
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Période couverte
Jul 29 2023 -
Sep 20 2023

This summary presents the findings of round 39 Area Assessment (Mobility Tracking) undertaking by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix in its new format to establish a new baseline on the number of Internally Displaced persons (IDPs), IDP returnees and migrants in Yemen. In round 39 of the Area Assessment carried out between July and September 2023, IOM DTM was able to increase the overall coverage since round 38 conducted in October and November 2022. Consequently, the numbers of recorded IDPs, IDP returnees and migrants as well as accessed locations and districts has equally increased.

Data was collected by 154 enumerators through an extensive network of Key Informants (KIs) within the operational area in coordination with Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC), the Central Statistical Organization (CSO) and Executive Unit for IDPs camps management (ExU) and humanitarian partners in 13 governorates of the government of Yemen. In the Yemen context, the practice for field teams is to select Key Informant (KI) representatives of both the host and target communities while adhering to the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and operational independence. This ensures that the selected KIs are the most relevant and appropriate individuals to ensure the successful implementation of the exercise. In this round 39; 4,512 KIs were interviewed to collect the data, of whom seven per cent or 295 were female and 93 per cent or 4,217 were male.

DTM recorded, the number of IDP returnees also increased by 51 per cent from 1,240,944 in round 38 to 1,878,906 individuals in round 39. The number of locations with returnees accessed increased by 50 per cent from 1,082 to 1,626.

Population Groups

Returnee (Previously Internally Displaced)

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 4


Site or Location

Type of Survey or Assessment


Key Informant




Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries