Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Dominica — Rapid Baseline Assessment (30 August - 02 September 2022)

San Jose Regional Data Hub — rosanjosermdh@iom.int
Période couverte
Aug 30 2023
Sep 02 2023
- Survey
- Baseline Assessment
Dominica’s location in the Caribbean has made it particularly susceptible to natural hazards and disasters such as hurricanes. There is a substantial need for up-to-date data on population size and the distribution of citizens and migrants in the country, to inform disaster risk reduction and preparedness. The latest government population census was conducted in 2011, and with the 2022 census still ongoing, more recent information on the characteristics of the migrant population is required to prepare the population for natural hazards and disasters.
To better understand the distribution of the migrant population within the country, IOM conducted a Rapid Baseline Assessment (RBA), between 30 August - 2 September 2022. The exercise consisted of a series of key informant (KI) interviews in the 10 parishes of the Commonwealth of Dominica to obtain information on migrant presence and their main characteristics. Among the interviewed KIs were government officials, community leaders and community members from their respective parishes. This information was then utilized to build the methodology and sampling frame for a DTM national survey on migrant sociodemographic characteristics, their main needs and intentions.