Data and Analysis
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Crisis Responses
South Sudan - Camp Inter Sectoral Needs Assessment (ISNA) - Malakal PoC Site (September - October 2022)

DTM South Sudan, SouthSudanDTM@iom.int
South Sudan
Période couverte
Sep 01 2022
Oct 31 2022
- Survey
- Return Intention
Between September and October 2022, the International Organization for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (IOM DTM) undertook its third household-level multi-sector assessment of selected urban areas and camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in South Sudan. The assessment aims to:
• Quantify the prevalence of vulnerabilities and humanitarian needs across sectors, with a focus on food security, economic vulnerability and nutrition as well as selected indicators on shelter and non-food items (SNFI), education, health, water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH), protection (including child protection and gender-based violence) and mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS).
• Generate a better understanding of urban displacement and migration, including return and relocation after displacement in South Sudan or abroad.
There has been slow progress in the humanitarian situation in South Sudan. People’s humanitarian needs continue to rise, driven by cumulative and compounding effects of years of conflict, sub-national violence, food insecurity, climate crisis and public health challenges. Conflict and insecurity, fueled by sub-national and inter-communal violence, crime, and wide-scale impunity, continue to be among the main drivers of humanitarian needs in South Sudan.
Based on the request of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), mandated OCHA, IOM, and REACH to implement Inter-Sectoral Needs Assessment that aimed to understand demographics, multi-sectoral needs (including the level of severity) and barriers to assistance as well as displacement patterns and household-level scale.