South Sudan — Wau Masna Collective Centre Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (January-March 2023)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Jan 01 2023
Mar 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

This brief presents an overview of movement trends in to / out of Wau Masna Collective Centre between January and March 2023. The collective centre recorded 634 interviews accounting for 1,505 individuals moving in and out of the centre. Temporary movement (994 individuals) was the main travel category as of this reporting period. Fifty-five per cent of the temporary travelers were male compared to 45 per cent female. The main drivers of temporary movements were tending to livelihood activities (26%), attempt to return home (14%), and visit friends or family (12%). Of those who traveled temporarily, 74 per cent intend to spend at least one to seven days in their areas of destination. Few of the individuals who embarked on same-day movements (6 individuals) did so to access education services (40%), access cash (40%), and visit friends or family (20%). This period also recorded 227 individuals who entered the collective centre newly. Hunger due to conflict (67%) was the main driver of new entries. Eighty-four per cent of new arrivals intend to spend more than six months. DTM flow monitoring enumerators did not record individuals who permanently exited Masna Collective Centre during this period.