South Sudan — Malakal PoC Site Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (January-March 2023)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Jan 01 2023
Mar 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

This brief presents an overview of movement trends in to / out of Malakal PoC site between January and March 2023. The site recorded 459 interviews accounting for 1,072 individuals embarking on movements in to or out of the PoC site. Same-day movement was the most recorded travel category (840 individuals) during this reporting period, with (65%) being women and girls. Tending to livelihood activities (72%) has been the key driver of movements followed by visiting friends or family (8%). Malakal PoC site also captured a record 103 individuals newly entering the PoC site. Fifty-two per cent of the new arrivals were females and forty-eight were male. The new arrivals cited hunger due to conflict (59%), insecurity due to conflict (20%), joining family (15%), attempt to return home (3%), and access to education (2%) as factors that drove them into the Malakal PoC site. Of those who arrived newly, 98 per cent intend to spend at least more than six months at the site. DTM flow monitoring enumerators also recorded twenty-four individuals permanently leaving the site. The main intention for leaving the site is to return home (58%), irregularities or insufficient food rations (30%), and improved living conditions at destination (12%).