West and Central Africa — Multi-hazard surveillance tool for West African coastal countries: Benin - Côte d’Ivoire - Ghana - Togo (31 May 2023)




RO Dakar, RODakar-DataResearch@iom.int
Période couverte
Apr 01 2023
May 31 2023
  • Other

The GRANIT was conceived in 2021 in Dakar at the initiative of OCHA, IOM and REACH with the support of the Regional Sectoral Groups, UN agencies and NGOs. GRANIT seeks to create a forum of technical experts and information managers to pave the way for a regional, holistic and cross-sectoral analytical approach to inform the crisis preparedness and response phases. The aim of the monitoring tool is to track developments in the context in the target countries, using a multi-hazard approach. To this end, 15 indicators have been selected by the regional group of experts in emergency preparedness and response and GRANIT members. This report presents the evolution of the situation in Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo, as of 31 May 2023.