Ukraine — Returns Report — General Population Survey Round 13 (June 2023)




Période couverte
May 11 2023
Jun 14 2023
  • Survey

To support partners in providing targeted and evidence-based assistance to the most vulnerable among those who have returned to their areas of habitual residence after a period of forced displacement, the Data and Analytics team of IOM Ukraine is pleased to present the Ukraine Returns Report (Round 13). Starting from June 2023, IOM has transitioned to quarterly implementation of the General Population Survey, providing representative data at the oblast level. The survey was conducted in two phases from 11 May to 14 June 2023. Round 13 offers valuable information on demographics, return dynamics, and intentions of those who have been displaced within Ukraine and abroad (with integrated data and analysis from the IOM Regional Office in Vienna). It also provides detailed insights into household income, employment status, and living conditions of the returnee population. Additionally, it brings previously unavailable data on return as a durable solution in Ukraine, assessing the returnees’ situation along the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Durable Solutions criteria, along with elements of social cohesion among the different population groups. The aim is to support evidence-based decision-making on strategic, technical, and programmatic aspects of response and recovery efforts in Ukraine, including the Government of Ukraine. For the purposes of this report, the terms "return” and "returnee” are used without prejudice to status and refer to all persons de-facto in their place of habitual residence after a significant period of displacement (minimum of two weeks since February 2022), regardless of whether they returned to these locations spontaneously from abroad or from displacement within Ukraine. This definition excludes those who have come back to Ukraine from abroad but who have not returned to their places of habitual residence in country.