Mozambique – Floods & Tropical Cyclone Freddy Accommodation Centres Dashboard, 30 March 2023




DTM Mozambique,
Période couverte
Feb 24 2023
Mar 30 2023
  • Other

Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD) estimates 1,187,265 individuals have been affected by the first and second landfall of Tropical Storm Freddy across Inhambane, Gaza, Zambezia, Sofala and Tete, Niassa and Manica. As of 28 March 2023, rapid assessments across top-affected Postos in Sofala (Caia, Murraça, Sena postos), Niassa (Cuamba, Insaca, Mandimba postos) and Zambezia (Milange, Namacurra, Nante, and Nicoadala postos) report at least 477,290 individuals/ 128,865 families affected as well infrastructure damages to 104 schools, and 30 health centres.

Within these assessments 129,264 houses are reported as completely or partially destroyed. Approximately, 103,232 houses are located in Zambezia province (62,096 in Namacurra, 25,437 in Nicodala, 8,897 in Milange, and 6,802 in Nante postos), 25,662 houses are located in Sofala province (20,742 in Sena, 2,987 in Murraça, and 1,933 in Caia postos), and 370 houses are located in Niassa province (370 in Mandimba posto). The most cited priority needs in these most severely affected postos are for Shelter/NFIs, closely followed by Agricultural
assistance/Food aid. The priority need for WASH is slightly lower than for the previous two sectoral needs. Furthermore, 74,827 individuals (16,320 families) remain displaced across 64 active accommodation centres/temporary displacement locations in Inhambane, Sofala, Tete, and Niassa. Movements from Accommodation Centres remain dynamic with as many 74 Accommodation Centres de-activated between
26-28 March (hosting approximately 55,408 individuals/ 22,051 families). As rain and flood events develop, ongoing joint assessments with INGD and humanitarian partners continue to monitor the needs and conditions of affected populations in the region.