Haïti — Dashboard on Displacement in the ZMPP — Round 2 (25 October — 23 November 2022)




Période couverte
Oct 25 2022
Nov 23 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Since June 2021, an upsurge in armed attacks has caused widespread insecurity in several communes of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area (Zone Métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince – ZMPP in French) and displaced tens of thousands of people. Insecurity in the capital, which has accelerated since the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021, has exacerbated the already difficult economic and political conditions facing Haiti.

To provide a holistic view of the displacement situation in the ZMPP, the Haitian Directorate General of Civil Protection (DGPC) and IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), launched regular site and neighbourhood assessment activities in August 2022. A first exercise (round 1) was conducted, after which a first report was published.

This dashboard is the result of the second exercise (round 2) of site and neighbourhood assessments conducted in the ZMPP from October 25 to November 23, 2022. Data was collected by telephone from key informants. The results indicate that 155,166 people (39,623 households) were displaced in the ZMPP as of November 23, 2022, representing a 77 percent increase from Round 1. This is primarily due to the worsening security situation in the ZMPP observed during September 2022.