Lebanon — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Round 2


Jeux de données publique


  • Migrants presence
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Période couverte
May 01 2022 -
Jul 31 2022
The MPM assessment follows the methodology of IOM’s global Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Mobility Tracking component. Tailored to the operational context in Lebanon, the MPM assessment analyzes data to provide multi-layered information on the presence and mobility of migrants. This assessment aims to complement existing data collection exercises and it is implemented in coordination with key actors to maximize synergies, interoperability and avoid duplication. In the second round of the MPM survey, an estimated 135,420 migrants were identified, compared to 207,696 in 2021, indicating a 35% decrease in the number of migrants. These migrants primarily reside in urban areas, with Mount Lebanon (56%) and the Beirut governorate (18%) reporting the highest proportions of the identified migrant population. During this rounf, 2,337 neighborhoods across 26 districts and 8 governorates were covered. Surveys for 1,598 cadasters were completed, which amounts to a coverage of 99.3% of all cadasters in Lebanon. The majority of migrants identified in Lebanon come from Ethiopia (37%), Bangladesh (22%), and Sudan (8%). Among the migrants, 76% are female, while 26% are male. It's worth noting that the female-to-male ratio varies by nationality, with 99% of Ethiopians and 97% of Filipinos being female, while only 24% of Egyptians and 26% of Sudanese are female.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries