Zimbabwe — Flow Monitoring Report (August 2022)




DTM Zimbabwe, DTMzimbabwe@iom.int
Période couverte
Aug 01 2022
Aug 31 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

During the month of August 2022, a total of 42,489 movements were recorded. 3,057 migrants were interviewed across 44 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in Zimbabwe. The total movements recorded decreased by 4% compared to the previous month, in which 44,380 were observed. 57% of movements observed were inflows, whilst 43% were outflows. The top three sending districts were Bulawayo (17%), Beitbridge (11%), and Harare and the top three receiving districts were Harare (18%), Karoi (13%) and Mutare (8%).

South Africa-Zimbabwe corridor recorded 33,123 (78%) while the Zambia-Zimbabwe corridor recorded 4,784 (11%) movements. 79% of outflows were recorded along irregular crossing points compared to 45% of inflows. Most migrants chose to use formal crossing points when entering the country. Chituripasi, Dite and the Beitbridge main border accounted for 33% of outflows and were the preferred exit points out of Zimbabwe by migrants. Beitbridge border post recorded 44% of inflows and was the preferred entry point by migrants followed by Maroyi (6%) and Tshabili (6%) along the South Africa. Of the surveyed migrants 56% were males.  Movements along the Zambia-Zimbabwe corridor recorded the highest number of female migrants, 63% compared to 37% of males. The South Africa-Zimbabwe corridor recorded the highest number of male migrants (61%) of the total surveyed. Most of the surveyed migrants indicated that they were travelling to conduct commercial activities.