South Sudan — Bentiu IDP Camp Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (January-March 2022)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Jan 01 2022
Mar 31 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continued conducting Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) at the gates of Bentiu IDP camp. The first quarter of 2022 saw 9,694 interviews recorded accounting for 43,027 individuals moving into / out of the camp. Day movements increased by 56 per cent compared to the previous quarter and were dominated by women and girls (65%). Among all respondents, the main reason for day movements was to collect firewood (19%). Longer temporary movements were mainly driven by individuals moving out of the camp to visit friends / family (20%) and attempts to return home (15%), while short-time movements were to make / sell charcoal (15%), collect firewood (13%) and elephant grass (9%). Most temporary travelers intend to spend 2-3 months away in locations of destination. A 28 per cent decrease in surveyed new arrivals was recorded, most of whom were female (59%). Sixty-four per cent of individuals arrived from locations within Unity state. Of the new arrivals, 67 per cent of individuals intend to spend more than six months in the camp. Surveyed permanent exits recorded a 39 per cent increase compared to the last quarter of 2021, with most individuals exiting the camp to join their families (31%) and 28 per cent moving out because of improved living conditions in locations of destination. Half of the movements were destined to former homes in Rubkona, Leer and Guit counties.