Haiti — Flowminder Foundation — Gang violence in the Plaine du Cul-de-Sac (23 April — 20 May 2022)




Période couverte
Apr 23 2022
May 20 2022
  • Event Tracking

Widespread violence between two gangs started on Sunday 24 April 2022, spread over six communal sections in the north
of Port-au-Prince before the situation progressively stabilised after 06 May (sources: media and humanitarian stakeholders).
Between 23 April and 20 May, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and the Haitian Directorate General of Civil
Protection (DGPC) estimated 34,600 individual displacement movements. At least 188 deaths and 113 people injured were
reported, and at least 81 houses burned. Based on data from the mobile network operator (MNO) Digicel Haiti up to 18 July 2022, and using 21 January to 21 April 2022 as baseline period, this report provides further evidence of large-scale displacement and additional information on these population movements. These conservative estimates suggest that:

  • At least 27,200 Digicel subscribers left the affected area between 24 April and 8 May, with most of the likely internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the department of Ouest, Centre and Artibonite.
  • The 1ère section of St-Martin (Delmas commune) is the section which hosted the largest numbers of likely IDPs among Digicel subscribers, at least 6,500 as of 08 May.
  • A large share of the likely IDPs (60%) are spread across Haiti in small numbers, particularly to the north of Port-au-Prince
  • Within the affected area, the 3ème Section de Bellevue (Tabarre Commune) experienced the largest drop of residents among Digicel subscribers (at least 7,700) and for the longest period, as the number of residents remained below the baseline for 50 days
  • Flows of Digicel residents out of the affected area take place in two stages: initially mainly from the 3ème Section Bellevue (Tabarre), and later also from the 1ère Section des Varreux (Croix-des-Bouquets) and the 2ème Section des Varreux (Croix-des-Bouquets);