Iraq – Emergency Tracking - Attacks in Muqdadiya, Diyala (26 October – 7 November 2021)




DTM Iraq,
Période couverte
Oct 26 2021
Nov 07 2021
  • Mobility Tracking

On 26 October 2021 an attack was launched in several villlages in Muqdadiya district of Diyala governorate, carried out by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). As a result of this attack, DTM recorded 317 families (1,962 individuals) having displaced from Muqdadiya district of Diyala governorate. Of these, 280 families are displaced in Al Gatoon-Al Rahma, Ba’quba district, 40 families are displaced in Sheikh Jalil village, Khanaqin district, both in the governorate of Diyala, and 7 families are displaced in Al Mechanic (Al Hader)-830 in Karkh district of Baghdad.

Additionally, immediately following the attack nine families were displaced to Jalawla subdistrict of Muqdadiya district but have since left the area of displacement to attempt to return. The majority of the displaced families are living with the host community or in temporary rented accommodation in the areas of displacement.

In similar attacks that have taken place earlier this year, DTM has recorded a further 94 families (564 individuals) that were displaced between July and September from Al-Khalis and Ba’quba districts of Diyala governorate to other areas of the districts and continue to be displaced as of 7 November 2021.

Data is collected through IOM’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), who are deployed across Iraq (20% of enumerators are female). IOM’s RARTs collect data through interviews with key informants utilising a large, well-established network of over 9,500 key informants that includes community leaders, mukhtars, local authorities and security forces.