Iraq — Integrated Location Assessment 6 (Informal Settlements) (May — July 2021)




DTM Iraq,
Période couverte
May 01 2021
Jul 31 2021
  • Survey
  • Return Intention
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

As of July 2021, ILA 6 recorded a total of 418 informal sites. IDP families were present in 389 informal sites and returnee families were present in 31 sites. Dahuk Governorate contains 38 per cent of the informal sites nationwide (160), with Ninewa and Salah al-Din accounting for a further 18 per cent and 12 per cent, respectively (76 and 52 sites). Overall, 13,533 families were recorded as residing in informal sites in ILA6 (12,490 IDP families and 1,043 returnee families). The largest share of this population is in Anbar Governorate (28%), followed by Dahuk (24%) and Salah al-Din (14%). Between ILA 5 and ILA 6, the number of families residing in informal sites decreased by four per cent, from 14,067 to 13,533. In the same period, the number of informal sites decreased by 15 per cent , from 490 to 418 sites. The number of informal sites fell significantly in Dahuk Governorate, where there were 41 fewer sites in recorded in ILA 6. This decline is attributed to returns, predominantly to Sinjar district in Ninewa Governorate, as well as families entering camps to receive assistance, and families moving to non-critical shelters which, in a limited number of cases, was their rehabilitated residence of origin. Other governorates where the number of informal sites declined included Salah al-Din which recorded 25 fewer sites, and Kirkuk Governorate, with 19 fewer sites. Baghdad Governorate, however, recorded 11 new informal sites in ILA 6, with eight of these located in the district of Mahmoudiya.