South Sudan — Akobo and Pibor Village Assessment Survey Key Findings (April 2021)




South Sudan
Période couverte
Mar 22 2021
Apr 12 2021
  • Site Assessment
  • Other
  • Survey

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted the Village Assessment Survey (VAS) to facilitate planning for transition and recovery programs. Its main objectives are to map the availability of basic needs, services, infrastructure and to identify priority areas for intervention within selected counties in South Sudan. The assessment is funded by the Reconciliation, Stabilization and Resilience Trust Fund area based programming for Jonglei and Greater Pibor Administrative Area. Data collection and analysis was conducted as part of joint IOM and UNICEF-led program on strengthening education programs and infrastructure in targeted counties.
Data was collected between March and April 2021, with previously inaccessible facilities and settlements in Akobo assessed
in May and June 2021. DTM assessed the counties of Akobo and Pibor in Jonglei state, covering 25 bomas in seven payams (83.3% coverage) and 34 bomas in four payams (54.8% coverage), respectively. Five bomas in Akobo could not be assessed due to insecurity and road inaccessibility. In Pibor, five bomas could not be assessed due to road inaccessibility.