South Sudan — Malakal PoC Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (October-December 2021)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Oct 01 2021
Dec 31 2021
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continued conducting Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (DSFM) at the gates of Malakal PoC Site. During this period, 3,340 interviews were conducted representing 5,930 individual movements into / out of the PoC site, which have decreased compared to 6,704 movements in the previous quarter. Day movements decreased by 10 per cent (from 5,646 to 5,103 individuals) and were dominated by female travelers (60%). Among all respondents, the main reason for day movements was to tend to livelihood activities. Temporary movements were driven by individuals moving out of the site to visit friends / family (44%), access health services (13%) and attempt to return home (11%). The number of travelers decreased by 34 per cent, from 904 in the previous quarter to 593 in the fourth quarter. In comparison to the previous quarter, Malakal PoC site saw an increase of 80 per cent in new arrivals, most of whom arrived from Khartoum (Sudan), Fangak, Panyikang, and Ulang. Fortynine per cent of the new arrivals intend to spend probably more than six months in the site. Permanent exits decreased from 47 to 41 individuals. Common reasons for these exits were to be with family (49%), look for livelihood opportunities (12%), attempt to return home (7%), and purchase things (5%). Forty-four per cent of the individuals who permanently exited the camp were destined to former homes in Panyikang and Fangak counties and 39 per cent to former areas but new homes in Kosti and Khartoum (Sudan).