Malawi — Flash Report Update 1 - Tropical Storm Ana (31 January 2022)




DTM Malawi,
Période couverte
Jan 28 2022
Jan 31 2022
  • Event Tracking

Following the passage of tropical storm Ana across southern Malawi, the districts of Chikwawa, Mulanje, Nsanje and Phalombe have been severely hit by torrential and persistent rains, although there are reports of other districts also been affected by the onset, such as Mulanje, Chiradzulu and Neno. Situational overviews conducted by the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) reported a flooded area of 20Km2 in the districts of Balaka, Blantyre, Neno and Zomba, where 5,400 people are potentially exposed or living close to flooded areas. Also, the Malawian government agency of Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) reported several blocked roads in the Phalombe district, which negatively affects the daily lives of several households whom are relegated to camps and obstructing their access to essential services, such as health facilities.

Throughout an existing network of enumerators on site, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) teams in Malawi are providing both logistical and technical support in developing rapid assessments in 131 sites from 22 Traditional Areas within the Districts of Chikwawa, Mulanje, Nsanje and Phalombe. The results of this initial assessment are based on key informant interviews with local stakeholders at District level as well as site assessments in key locations from 28th to 31st January. The results of this rapid assessment are indicative of the current situation on the ground but have yet to be validated extensively in the field.