Nigeria — North East — Maiduguri Metropolitan Council LGA (Borno State) Flash Report (03 December 2021)




DTM Nigeria,
Période couverte
Nov 21 2021
Dec 01 2021
  • Event Tracking
  • Mobility Tracking

As part of the IDP relocation programme issued by the Borno State Government (BSG), the IDPs residing in Bakasi Camp were relocated to their LGAs of origin.

On 21 November 2021, the Borno State Government (BSG) commenced the relocation of the IDPs residing in Bakasi Camp, located in Maisandari ward in the MMC LGA of Borno State. Following this event, a rapid assessment was conducted by DTM field staff in order to capture these IDP movements, inform the humanitarian community and enable targeted assistance to the BSG. Flash reports utilise direct observation and a broad network of key informants to gather representative data and collect information on the number, profile and immediate needs of the repatriated population.

Between 21 November and 01 December, an estimated number of 4,378 individuals or 769 households were relocated from Bakasi Camp to various locations in the state. Parts of the IDP population organised the relocation themselves, others were assisted by the Borno State Government. Of the total IDP movement, 955 individuals or 161 households relocated to camps or camp-like settings in Gwoza LGA, while 2,029 individuals or 347 households were hosted by the local communities of Gwoza LGA. Camps and camp-like settings in Monguno welcomed a total of 889 individuals in 169 households, while 505 individuals in 92 households are currently hosted by communities in Monguno LGA.