Central Mozambique – Shelter Recovery Assessment In The Central Region Of Mozambique Report 2 (April 2021)




DTM Mozambique, DTMMozambique@iom.int
Période couverte
Mar 23 2021
Apr 30 2021
  • Survey

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in collaboration with the Government of Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction (INGD) and as mandated by the Shelter Cluster in Mozambique conducted this assessment in areas of displacement, resettlement sites and areas affected by cyclone Idai, tropical storm Chalane, and cyclone Eloise in the central region of Mozambique. Data collection was conducted through household interviews by random sampling of 4,539 families, 1,605 families in 75 resettlement sites and 2,934 families in affected communities (displaced families in host communities and non-displaced families) in Sofala, Manica, Tete and Zambezia over a period of 16 days. The output of this exercise is to inform the Government of Mozambique and humanitarian and development community on the current living conditions of families affected by cyclone Idai, tropical storm Chalane, and cyclone Eloise, to understand affected households’ efforts for self-recovery so far, to identify the type and usage of assistance received by households in relation to their shelter and housing, in order to identify the gaps and needs still present in terms of housing reconstruction and recovery, and to inform the most effective support for further recovery and to effectively prioritize areas of intervention based on likelihood and intention of households to remain in existing resettlement sites or in affected communities.