Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Displacement Report 5 (January 2021)




DTM Nigeria,
Période couverte
Nov 19 2020
Dec 06 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
The Round 5 of DTM data collection in the North West and North Central Geopolitical Zones was conducted between 19 November to 6 December 2020. During the assessments, DTM deployed teams of enumerators to conduct assessments in 799 wards (up from 696 wards that were assessed in the last round of DTM assessment or Round 4 that was conducted in August 2019) located in 172 LGAs (up from 160), in the North Central and North West Geopolitical Zones. Eight states were covered including Benue, Nasarawa and Plateau (North Central) and Kaduna, Kano, Sokoto, Katsina and Zamfara (North West).
DTM enumerators conducted assessments in 1,488 locations (up by 210 locations compared to the Round 4 of assessments) including 1,410 locations where IDPs were residing among host communities and 78 locations categorised as camps or camp-like settings. In the Round 4 of assessments, 1,214 locations where IDPs lived among host communities and 64 locations termed as camps or camp-like settings had been assessed. During these assessments, data was collected on numbers, living conditions and multisectoral needs of the displaced populations.
DTM activities in Nigeria’s North Central and North West Zones targeted IDPs and aimed to gain a better understanding of displacement numbers and trends, living conditions of affected populations, as well as the needs and vulnerabilities of these populations. These population categories are defined in this report as follows:
• An Internally Displaced Person (IDP) is “a person who has been forced or obliged to flee or to leave his or her home or place of habitual habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who has not crossed an internationally recognized State border”.
• A Returnee is a person who had been living in an area other than his or her area of origin, in the same country as his or her country of origin or habitual residence, and has returned to his or her location of origin (former IDP Returnee); or a person had been living in country other than his or her country of origin or habitual residence, and has since returned to the country he or she was residing in prior to displacement (Returnee from abroad).
Return is understood as physical return and does not imply or suggest that returnees are living in a safe environment with dignity and access to sustainable livelihood opportunities or adequate resources.
National, gubernatorial and local authorities as well international and local humanitarian partners were involved in all the steps of DTM activities. Final results were validated by the government of Nigeria.