South Sudan — Mangala Rapid Flow Monitoring (September - October 2020)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Sep 28 2020
Oct 31 2020
  • Flow Monitoring

Since mid-June 2020, people in South Sudan have been affected by flooding in areas along the White Nile. In late July, IDPs from Jonglei State started arriving to Juba. As numbers increased, a temporary site for flood displaced population was set up in Mangala, where the first group of IDPs arrived on 3 August 2020. According to the World Food Programme (WFP), 17,196 IDPs were resgistered in Mangala as of 2 November 2020 (CES - ICCG).

In order to provide information to support humanitarian partners, on 26 September 2020, DTM launched a rapid flow monitoring tool on site to track the number of arrivals and to establish a basic profile of population fleeing the floods in Jonglei, including their areas of departure. Between 28 September and 31 October 2020, DTM counted 6,846 new arrivals and interviewed 814 groups representing 5,494 individuals (80% of new arrivals). DTM further interviewed 38 groups (293 individuals) who intended to permanently leave the area. 

The report contains additional protection analysis and context analysis from conflict sensitivity perspective.