South Sudan — Masna Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (July - September 2020)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Période couverte
Jul 01 2020
Sep 30 2020
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix conducted 1,889 interviews representing 5,252 individual movements into and out of Masna collective centre from July to September 2020. Most of the movements were same-day movements (4,727) and out of these, the highest number of respondents were women (54%) moving out of the collective centre to access the market. Meanwhile, most of the individuals traveling temporarily into and out of Masna were doing so to visit friends/family and the highest number of respondents stated that their stay will be for at least two to four weeks. Separately, there were 143 new arrivals and 31 permanent exits and all of them moved to join their families. Out of the new arrivals, 65% were male and 41% intend to spend at least one to seven days at the collective centre. Out of the permanent exits, 60% were females who moved towards their former homes in Jur River and Mundri West.