Mozambique – Flash Report 10 Rain Damages to Resettlement Sites (27 - 28 November 2020)




DTM Mozambique,
Période couverte
Nov 27 2020
Nov 28 2020
  • Event Tracking
  • Site Assessment

With the onset of the rainy season in the central region of Mozambique, varying degrees of damage is expected to infrastructures in resettlement sites.

From 27 to 28 November 2020, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with focal points from the National Institute of Disaster Management (INGC) at the district level, with acknowledgment from INGC at the provincial level, conducted rapid assessments in six resettlement sites across Buzi and Chibavava districts of Sofala province after the heavy rainfall and strong wind from 25 to 28 November 2020.

In total, 2 upgraded shelters, 102 emergency shelters, and 45 tents were completely destroyed due to the heavy rain and strong wind. IOM DTM with INGC identified an additional 147 shelters (upgraded, emergency shelters and tents) with major structural damages to walls and roofing, 275 shelters with minor damages, and 6 damaged latrine units.

One clinic was damaged in Chicuaxa resettlement site in Chibavava district and one school damaged in Machonjova resettlement site in Buzi district.

As the rainy season progresses, the frequency of heavy rain and the probability of cyclones will increase. It remains important that the capacity of relevant actors to prepare and respond to these events in resettlement sites and elsewhere is continuously strengthened. Prevention and preparedness measures need to be put in place to mitigate the immediate effect of the rain.