Europe Arrivals

Flux migratoires vers l’Europe


Methodological Note

Total des arrivées

Arrivées par la mer

Arrivées par voie terrestre

Migrants morts et disparus en Europe

La carte de base de Google et les formes de pays de l’ESRI sont à des fins d’illustration seulement. Les noms et les limites n’impliquent pas l’approbation ou l’acceptation officielle par l’OIM.
Tendances dans le temps : arrivées, décès et migrants disparus en Europe
Année Arrivées Dead and Missing
Arrivée mensuelle par voie terrestre et maritime

Pour des résultats de recherche plus avancés, allez à page de recherche avancée de jeux de données
Europe — Youth on the Move, Travelling by sea and by land to Europe in 2023

This report focuses on youth “on the move” to Europe by sea and by land, a population category that includes adolescents (children between 14 and 17 years old) and young adults (18-24 years old).

Western Balkans — Flow Monitoring Surveys with Migrants travelling through the Western Balkans (June - December 2023)

This report presents the results of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) in the Western Balkans region.

Malta — Flow Monitoring Surveys with Migrants arriving in Malta (March-April 2024)

This report presents findings from IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) conducted in Malta in 2024.

Western Balkans — Factsheet on Migrant Experiences of Violence, Exploitation and Abuse (April-June 2024)

This factsheet provides insight into incidents of violence, exploitation and abuse migrants may have experienced or witnessed on their journeys from their countries of origin.

Western Balkans — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (August 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through the Western Balkans.

Western Balkans — Мешани Миграциски Текови (Август 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Western Balkans — Mješoviti Migracijski Tokovi (August 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Bosnia & Herzegovina — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (August 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Data was collected from 1 to 30 August 2024.

Western Balkans — Flukset e Përziera Migratore (Gusht 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Western Balkans — Mixed Migratory Flows Report (August 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Serbia — Situacioni Izveštaj o Mobilnosti Migranata (Avgust 2024)

Ovaj izveštaj pruža uvid u profile, iskustva i putovanja migranata koji prolaze kroz Republiku Srbiju. Podaci su prikupljani od 1. do 31. avgusta 2024. godine u saradnji sa Komesarijatom za izbeglice i migracije Republike Srbije (KIRS).

Serbia — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (August 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia. Data were collected from 1 to 31 August 2024 together with the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia (SCRM).

Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (April-June 2024)

DTM Europe gathers, validates and disseminates information on migrants and refugees travelling through the Mediterranean, Western African Atlantic, and Western Balkan routes to Europe.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (August 2024)

According to the latest figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.4 million foreigners in Türkiye, of whom 3.3 million are seeking international protection. Most of them are Syrians (3,096,1571) who have been granted temporary protection status.

Migrant Report Key Findings 53 (June - July 2024)

This infographic presents the key findings of Round 53 of the mobility tracking and flow monitoring components of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme in Libya.

Libya — Migrant Report 53 (June - July 2024)

IOM Libya’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme identified a total of 761,322 migrants from 44 nationalities in the 100 Libyan municipalities during round 53 of data collection (June - July 2024).

Bosnia & Herzegovina — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (July 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Data was collected from 1 to 30 July 2024.

Serbia — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (July 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia. Data was collected from 1 to 31 July 2024 together with the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia (SCRM).

Western Balkans — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (July 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through the Western Balkans. IOM surveyed 760 migrants from 1 July to 31 July 2024 in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo*.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (July 2024)

According to the latest figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.4 million foreigners in Türkiye, of whom 3.4 million are seeking international protection. Most of them are Syrians (3,103,6061) who have been granted temporary protection status.

Western Balkans — Мешани Миграциски Текови (јули 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Western Balkans — Flukset e Përziera Migratore (Korrik 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Western Balkans — Mixed Migratory Flows Report (July 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Western Balkans — Mješoviti Migracijski Tokovi (Juli 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Pour des résultats de recherche plus avancés, allez à page de recherche avancée de jeux de données
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (April-June 2024)
Sep 09 2024

<p>The file contains the following sheets</p><figure class="table"><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Sheet</strong></td><td><strong>Content</strong></td><td><strong>Countries and Areas</strong…

Flow Monitoring, Mobility Tracking, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (January-March 2024)
Jun 27 2024

<p>The file contains the following sheets</p><figure class="table"><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Sheet</strong></td><td><strong>Content</strong></td><td><strong>Countries and Areas</strong…

Flow Monitoring, Mobility Tracking, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Yearly Overview (2023)
Mar 19 2024

<p>The file contains the following sheets</p><figure class="table"><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Sheet</strong></td><td><strong>Content</strong></td><td><strong>Countries and Areas</strong…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview Dataset (July - September 2023)
Dec 05 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview Dataset (April - June 2023)
Sep 05 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Jan - Mar 2023)
May 22 2023

<p>Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and…

Flow Monitoring
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Oct - Dec 2022)
Feb 28 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (July- September 2022)
Dec 01 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Apr - Jun 2022)
Aug 16 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Jan - Mar 2022)
May 24 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence, Mobility Tracking
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (October - December 2021)
Feb 16 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and…

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence, Mobility Tracking
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (July - September 2021)
Nov 12 2021

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence, Mobility Tracking
Flow Monitoring