Migration Europe arrival narratives


Oct 10 2017 Print

 Main countries or areas of origin for arrivals in Europe as of Q3 2021:

Italy[1]: Tunisia (28%), Bangladesh (13%), Egypt (10%), Côte d'Ivoire (6%), Islamic Republic of Iran (6%).

Greece (arrivals by sea): Afghanistan (36%), Somalia (16%), Iraq (10%), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (9%), Syrian Arab Republic (7%).

Spain[2]: unspecified Sub-Saharan nationals (36%), Algeria (31%), Morocco (28%), Mali (2%), Sudan (1%),

Malta: Syrian Arab Republic (23%), Sudan (18%), Eritrea[3](18%), Egypt (13%), Libya (4%).

Bulgaria: Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq, Turkey, Palestinian Territories.


[1] The information on nationality breakdown provided is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior.

[2] The information on nationality breakdown provided is based on data as reported by Frontex. 

[3] The information on nationality breakdown provided in this summary is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Maltese authorities.