South Sudan



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Mouvements de déplacement

IDMC 2023

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Tendance de la population des PDI

  • Division administrative avec le nombre disponible de personnes déplacées
  • Site évalué par la DTM
  • Data not available
À propos South Sudan

Conflict and instability in South Sudan have resulted in large-scale internal and cross-border displacement since the December 2013 crisis of over 4 million individuals. In September 2018, the Revitalized Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) was signed between the major warring parties. Whilst overall there have been improvements in security since and returns are ongoing, fighting and communal clashes (frequently linked to cattle raiding) continue to trigger new displacements and the situation remains volatile. 

DTM South Sudan’s toolbox is designed to meet critical information gaps during all phases of response, from preparedness, to intervention and transition/recovery. DTM South Sudan provides country-wide figures on the numbers, locations and priority needs of IDPs and returnees updated on a quarterly and ad-hoc basis. The programme undertakes biometric registration in selected parts of the country to support partners with reaching intended beneficiaries during distributions. Flow monitoring data is collected on a daily basis at displacement sites, key transit hubs and border crossing points to identify mobility dynamics of migrants including IPDs and returnees. Through ad hoc surveys, headcounts, infrastructure/service mapping exercises and other assessments, DTM provides additional information to support partners in planning their response.


IOM South Sudan DTM Juba

Current Donors
  • Switzerland
  • Japan
  • DFID
  • ECHO
  • OCHA
  • OFDA
  • Canada (DFATD)
  • WFP
  • UN Peacebuilding Fund
  • World Bank
Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en South Sudan

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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South Sudan — Disability & Inclusion Survey Wau PoC AA (2019)

The International Organization for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (IOM DTM) and Humanity & Inclusion (HI) joined efforts to undertake an assessment of the level of access to services and the barriers faced by persons with disabilities within Wau Protection of Civilian Adjacent Area

South Sudan — Bentiu and Rubkona: Arrivals from Khartoum (April-September 2019)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring arrivals from Khartoum to Rubkona bus station since April 2019 through headcounts of new arrivals.

South Sudan — Biometric Registration Update (August 2019)

IOM’s biometric registration system has been active since 2014, with 852,774 beneficiaries active in its database to date, out of  which 56 per cent (477,607 individuals) are women; and 61 per cent (518,709 individuals) are under 18 years old. Since August 2018, IOM and the World Food P

South Sudan — Bentiu PoC Site Population Count (September 2019)

As per the September 2019 population count, 115,960 individuals (16,938 households) currently live in the site.

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA Site And Collective Centres Population Count (September 2019)

In September 2019, the monthly count was conducted in Cathedral, Nazareth, St. Joseph, Lokoloko and Masna collective centres where a total of 13,034 individuals were identified.

South Sudan — Ebola Preparedness Flow Monitoring Dashboard (September 2019)

As part of IOM’s Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities, DTM operates Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) on the borders with Uganda (UGA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR).

South Sudan — Ebola Preparedness Flow Monitoring Dashboard (August 2019)

As part of IOM’s Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities, DTM operates Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) on the borders with Uganda (UGA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR).

South Sudan — Ebola Preparedness Flow Monitoring Dashboard (July 2019)

As part of IOM’s Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities, DTM operates Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) on the borders with Uganda (UGA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR).

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (September 2019)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (August 2019)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (June 2019)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (July 2019)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Mobility Tracking Round 6 Initial Data Release

This summary presents key findings from the sixth round of Mobility Tracking conducted in South Sudan through key-informant based assessments at sub-area and location levels.

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA Site And Collective Centres Headcount / BMR (August 2019)

Wau PoC AA: 13,042 individualsIn August 2019, the monthly count was conducted in Cathedral, Nazareth, St. Joseph, Lokoloko and Masna collective centres where a total of 16,097 individuals were identified.

South Sudan — Biometric Registration Update (July 2019)

IOM’s biometric registration system has been active since 2014, with 838,652 beneficiaries active in its database to date.

South Sudan — Displacement Site Flow Monitoring (May-July 2019)

From May to July 2019, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted 19,581 interviews with households or groups representing 46,740 travelling individuals crossing into and out of Bentiu Protection of Civilians (PoC) site, Malakal PoC site, Wau PoC Adjacent Area (AA) site and Wau collective

South Sudan — Site and Village/ Neighborhood Assessment Report Part I - Mobility Tracking Round 5

This summary presents the main findings from the multi-sectoral location assessment component of the fifth round of Mobility Tracking in South Sudan, complementing the Baseline Assessment Summary Report.

South Sudan — Site and Village/ Neighborhood Assessment Report Part II - Mobility Tracking Round 5

This summary presents the main findings from the multi-sectoral location assessment component of the fifth round of Mobility Tracking in South Sudan, complementing the Baseline Assessment Summary Report.

South Sudan — Bentiu PoC Site Headcount (July 2019)

As per the July 2019 headcount, the population stands at 103,424 individuals (18,140 households).

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA Site And Collective Centres Headcount (July 2019)

Wau Town features one protection of civilians (PoC) site and five collective centres in which IOM DTM conducts monthly headcounts to monitor changing population dynamics and displacement trends. In July 2019, the monthly count was conducted in Cathedral, Nazareth, St.

South Sudan — Jur River displacement to Wau (March-June 2019)

The ongoing conflict in Jur River has caused wide-spread displacement since March 2019 within the county, into neighboring Wau Town and reaching as far as Tambura in neighboring Western Equatoria.

South Sudan — Ebola Preparedness Flow Monitoring Dashboard (June 2019)

As part of IOM’s Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities, DTM operates Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) on the borders with Uganda (UGA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR). In total, 21 EVD-dedicated FMPs were active in June.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Rubkona Town (April-June 2019)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) monitored arrivals from Khartoum to Rubkona Bus Station between 15 April and 30 June 2019.

South Sudan — Western Equatoria Catalogue 2 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Western Equatoria, counties Mundri West - Yambio, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

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