

Suivi des PDI

Mouvements de déplacement

IDMC 2023

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  • Division administrative avec le nombre disponible de personnes déplacées
  • Site évalué par la DTM
  • Data not available
À propos Iraq

Reinforced in January 2014 in response to the need for information on displacement linked to the worsening armed conflict, the DTM programme in Iraq collects key information on internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees through different components and methodologies across the entire country.

Through IOM's Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs) -composed of 140 field staff- present throughout the Iraqi territory, the DTM collects data on numbers and locations of IDPs and returnees using an extended network of over 4,000 key informants. In addition to information collected from key informants, identified locations hosting IDPs are then visited and directly assessed by the RARTs to collect more detailed and in-depth information on the displaced population.

Please visit the Access to Durable Solutions among IDPs in Iraq


DTM Coordinator

Current Donors
  • PRM
Impact sur la mobilité dû au COVID-19 en Iraq

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (8 August 2017)

DTM identified 139,913 IDP families comprised of 839,478 individuals. The majority of the identified individuals (750,360) originated from Mosul. 401,940 people were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 359,028 people were living in camps or emergency settings.

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (6 August 2017)

DTM identified 139,825 IDP families comprised of 838,950 individuals. The majority of the identified individuals (750,288) originated from Mosul. 401,940 people were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 359,274 people were living in camps or emergency settings.

Iraq — Emergency Tracking Factsheet 40 (3 August 2017)

DTM identified 139,650 IDP families (837,900 individuals) who are currently displaced and 39,924 returnee families (239,544 individuals). 48% of the displaced population is living in unknown shelter arrangements and 32% are living in emergency sites or camps.

Iraq — West Mosul Displacement Overview (3 August 2017)

In order to further support the activities of humanitarian actors and contribute to understanding the highly fluid disoplacement dynamics taking place in Ninewa governorate, DTM is now releasing weekly figures of IDPs who tranist through Hammam al-Aiel screening site. 

Iraq — Emergency Tracking Mosul Corridor Displacement Analysis (31 July 2017)

As of 31 July 2017 DTM identified 180,067 IDP families (comprised of 1,080,402 individuals). 

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (1 August 2017)

During the reporting period 838,044 IDPs were identified. Of these 401,940 were residing in unknown shelter arrangements and 358,596 were residing in camps and emergency sites.

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (30 July 2017)

DTM identified 139,575 IDP families comprised of 837,450 individuals. The majority of the identified individuals (747,790) originated from Mosul. 410,940 people were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 359,448 people were living in camps or emergency settings.

Iraq — West Mosul Displacement Overview (27 July 2017)

The flow monitoring figures provide an in-dication of the cumulative number of IDPs displaced from west Mosul. 

Iraq — Emergency Tracking Factsheet 39 (27 July 2017)

DTM identified 139,853 IDP families (839,118 individuals) who are currently displaced and 39,099 returnee families (234,594 individuals). 48% of the displaced population is living in unknown shelter arrangements and 32% are living in emergency sites or camps.  

Iraq — Emergency Tracking Mosul Corridor Displacement Analysis (24 July 2017)

A total of 181,803 IDP families comprised of 1,090,818 individuals were identified by DTM enumerators. The majority of the recorded displace population (437,316 individuals) is living in camps and emergency sites.

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (23 July 2017)

DTM identified 141,373 IDP families comprised of 848,238 individuals. The majority of the identified individuals (760,590) originated from Mosul. 410,754 people were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 362,154 people were living in camps or emergency settings. 

Iraq — Emergency Tracking Factsheet 38 (20 July 2017)

DTM identified 141,042 IDP families (846,252 individuals) who are currently displaced (3% increase) and 37,653 returnee families (225,918 individuals). 49% of the displaced population is living in unknown shelter arrangements and 32% are living in emergency sites or camps.  

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (18 July 2017)

DTM identified 140,970 IDP families comprised of 845,820 individuals. The majority of the identified individuals (759,186) originated from Mosul. 410,754 people were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 357,750 people were living in camps or emergency settings.

Iraq — Emergency Tracking Mosul Corridor Displacement Analysis (17 July 2017)

A total of 178,513 IDP families comprised of 1,017,078 individuals were identified by DTM enumerators. The majority of the recorded displace population (402,972 individuals) is living in camps and emergency sites.

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (16 July 2017)

DTM identified 137,963 IDP families comprised of 827,778 individuals. The majority of the identified individuals (741,774) originated from Mosul. 395,562 people were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 357,750 people were living in camps or emergency settings.

Iraq — West Mosul Displacement Overview (13 July 2017)

Military operations in west Mosul led to the dis-placement of thousands of individuals to camps and out-of-camp locations, which are continuously being identified and monitored, when ac-accessible, by the DTM team.

Iraq— Emergency Tracking Factsheet 37 (13 July 2017)

DTM identified 137,552 IDP families (825,312 individuals) who are currently displaced and 37,122 returnee families (222,732 individuals). 48% of the displaced population is living in unknown shelter arrangements and 33% are living in emergency sites or camps.  

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (13 July 2017)

DTM identified 137,552 IDP families comprised of 825,312 individuals. The majority of the identified individuals (739,200) originated from Mosul. 395,562 people were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 357,054 people were living in camps or emergency settings.

Iraq — Displacement Report 74 (June 2017)

As of 30 June 2017, the DTM has identified 3,351,132 internally displaced persons (558,522 families) displaced after January 2014, dispersed across 104 districts and 3,654 locations in Iraq. For the same period, DTM has identified 1,952,868 returnees (325,478 families).

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (9 July 2017)

During the reporting period DTM identified 137,938 IDP families comprised of 827,628 individuals. 395,562 individuals were living in unknown shelter arrangements and 359,670 individuals were living in camps and emergency sites.

Iraq— Emergency Tracking Factsheet 36 (7 July 2017)

DTM identified 136,973 IDP families (comprised of 821,838) who are currently still displaced. DTM also identified 212,832 returnees comprising 35,472 families. The main district of displacement is Mosul where 627,366 individuals were identified.

Iraq — West Mosul Displacement Overview (6 July 2017)

Military operations in west Mosul led to the dis-placement of thousands of individuals to camps and out-of-camp locations, which are continuously being identified and monitored, when ac-accessible, by the DTM team.

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (6 July 2017)

During the reporting period DTM identified 136,973 displaced households comprised of 821,838 individuals.

Iraq — Mosul Operations Data Snapshot (4 July 2017)

DTM identified 136,373 Families comprised of 818,238 displaced individuals. Of these 730,962 reportedly originated from Mosul district. 389,898 are in unknown shelter arrangements and 355,518 are living in camps and emergency sites.

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