West and Central Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Tchad — Suivi Des Urgences — Aperçu de la situation des retournés récemment arrivés dans la ville de Sido (17 — 19 Avril 2021)

L’outil de suivi des urgences (ETT, Emergency Tracking Tool) de la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (DTM, Displacement Tracking Matrix) a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations.

Nigeria — Stadium Camp Biometric Registration Update (20 April 2021)

Following the completion of biometric registration update and verification at Stadium Camp in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC) in the northeastern state of Borno, 18,151 individuals (3,472 households) have been registered as per 14 April 2021.

Nigeria — North East — Jere Fire Outbreak Flash Report (20 April 2021)

On 16 April 2021 at 2:00PM, just five days since the last fire outbreak, another fire was recorded at Gongolong Kareram Camp that reportedly destroyed shelters and belongings of numerous IDP households. This incident fully destroyed 287 makeshift shelters and partially damaged 17 makeshift shel

Nigeria — North East Mobbar LGA — Borno State Flash Report (21 April 2021)

The lingering conflict in Nigeria's North East Zone has been the major cause of widespread population displacement.

Guinée — Rapport De Situation Ebola 8 (16 Avril 2021)

Ce rapport de situation présente les dernières informations sur la situation relative à la résurgence du virus Ebola recensée depuis février 202 en Guinée.

Nigeria — North Central & North West Flash Report #48 (12 - 18 April 2021)

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a mulltidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways).

Guinea — Ebola Situation Report 8 (16 April 2021)

This situation report presents the latest updates on the reappearance of the Ebola virus Disease (EVD) notified since February 2021 in Guinea.

Nigeria — North East Dikwa LGA — Borno State Flash Report (2 - 14 April 2021)

The lingering conflict in Nigeria's North East Zone has been the major cause of widespread population displacement.

Mali — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 62 (MARS 2021)

Afin de mieux comprendre les mouvements et tendances migratoires en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, l’OIM, à travers la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix, DTM), met en œuvre l’activité de Suivi des flux de populations (Flow Monitoring, FM).

Nigeria — COVID-19 Situational Analysis 5: North East (April 2021)

This Round 5 of the COVID-19 Situation Analysis is based on the assessment of knowledge, practice and impact of the pandemic on internally displaced persons (IDPs) in conflictaffected communities of North East Nigeria.

Nigeria — North East — Monguno Fire Outbreak Flash Report (18 April 2021)

Between 08 April and April 16, fires broke out in Fulatari host community, Fulatari Camp, Kuya Primary School Camp and Goverment Girls Secondary School Camp, damaging 948 shelters in total and resulting in a great loss of properties for the affected IDPs.During the past years, there has been frequen

Mali — Flow Monitoring Report 62 (MARCH 2021)

In order to gain a better understanding of mobility flows and trends through West and Central Africa, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) implements the Displacement Tracking Matrix’s Flow Monitoring (FM) tool at key transit points across the region. the Flow Monitoring

Nigeria — COVID-19 Point Of Entry Dashboard 48 (10 - 16 April 2021)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) monitors the movement to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States, located in the North East Zone.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 218 (05 - 11 April 2021)

In the states Borno and Adamawa, a total of 4,797 movements were recorded, comprising 2,533 arrivals and 2,264 departures, between 5 and 11 April 2021.

West and Central Africa — A Region on the Move: Mobility Trends in West and Central Africa (January — December 2020)

Migration is an integral part of life in West and Central Africa, a long tradition embedded in its historical, economic, social and cultural fabric.

Nigeria — North East — Konduga and Jere Fire Outbreak Flash Report (14 April 2021)

On April 09 and April 11, fires broke out in 400 Housing Estate Camp and Gongolong Kareram Camp respectively, fully damaging 200 shelters and 1 building.

Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre — Suivi des flux de populations — Analyse d'enquêtes individuelles (2018 — 2020)

L’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre est historiquement une région à forte migration, tant intrarégionale qu’interrégionale. Les populations migrent souvent pour des motifs variés.

Tchad — Suivi Des Urgences 100 (11 —12 Avril 2021)

Entre le 11 et le 12 avril 2021, suite à des affrontements armés survenus dans la ville de Kanga-Bandoro en République centrafricaine, 4 122 personnes de nationalité tchadienne ainsi qu’un nombre important de personnes de nationalité centrafricaine, ont traversé la frontière pour se réfugie

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 100 (11—12 April 2021)

From 11 to 12 April 2021, following armed clashes in the town of Kanga-Bandoro in the Central African Republic (CAR), 4,122 Chadian nationals and a significant number of Central African nationals crossed the border into Chad and fled to the town of Sido (Département of Grande Sido, Province

Nigeria — North Central & North West Flash Report #47 (05 - 11 April 2021)

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways).

Mauritanie — Nouadhibou — Migration à Nouadhibou : Focus sur le trafic, la traite et l'exploitation des migrants (2020)

Afin de bénéficier d’une meilleure compréhension des parcours et conditions de vie des migrants à Nouadhibou ainsi que leur accès aux droits et aux services, l’OIM Mauritanie y a mené différentes activités de la Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (DTM) depuis 2018.

Nigeria — COVID-19 Situational Analysis 3: North Central and North West (April 2021)

This Round 3 of the COVID-19 Situation Analysis is based on the assessment of knowledge, practice and impact of the pandemic on internally displaced persons (IDPs) in conflict-affected communities in the Geopolitical Zones North Central and North West Nigeria.

Guinée — Rapport de situation Ebola 7 (9 avril 2021)

Ce rapport de situation présente les dernières informations sur la situation relative à la résurgence du virus Ebola recensée depuis février 2021 en Guinée.

Guinée — Rapport de situation Ebola (12 Avril 2021)

Ce rapport de situation présente les dernières informations sur la situation relative à la résurgence du virus Ebola recensée depuis février 2021 en Guinée.

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