
Jun 06 2024 Print

As of 15 August 2024 DTM has introduced a new version of our API Library based on feedback from version 1 users. We have now introduced GET methods to allow users that cannot use a 3rd party API tool to be able to directly call the API from within a Browser. In addition, we have improved the parameter validation, updated some return types (for consistency) and simplified the parameters you need to pass.

The below documentation describes how to use the GET methods. In order to help you build your requests you can refer to the sample requests below or use our API Query Builder tool here or use the sample code templates in the API Endpoint section

Note: we still support the API version 1 POST methods for which you can find the documentation here


You can use the metadata listed below to understand data shared via the API. Each of the variables used in the API are described in the table

Parameter Description API Endpoint
Operation Name of DTM Operation for which the data was collected All
CountryName Country name All
Admin0Pcode Country code ( ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) All
Admin1Name Name of level 1 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 1
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
Admin1Pcode Place code of level 1 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 1
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
Admin2Name Name of level 2 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
Admin2Pcode Place code of level 2 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
FromReportingDate Beginning date for data collection reporting date All
ToReportingDate End date for data collection reporting date All
FromRoundNumber Beginning round number for data collection range All
ToRoundNumber End round number for data collection range All
Variable Description API Endpoint
id Description All
operation Name of DTM Operation for which the data was collected All
admin0Name Country name All
admin0Pcode Country code ( ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) All
admin1Name Name of level 1 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 1
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
admin1Pcode Place code of level 1 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 1
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
admin2Name Name of level 2 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 1
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
admin2Pcode Place code of level 2 administrative boundaries Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
Global IDP Data at Admin Level 2
numPresentIdpInd Number of IDPs at Admin level All
reportingDate Data reporting date/snapshot date All
yearReportingDate Year of reporting/ snapshot date All
monthRoundNumber Month of reporting/ snapshot date All
roundNumber Data collection round number All
assessmentType Type of the assessment
BA - baseline assessment
SA – site Assessment
DTM API Parameter Matrix

The below table outlines the combination of parameters that can be used together.

Operation CountryName Admin0Code FromReportingDate ToReportingDate FromRoundNumber ToRoundNumber













































Validation Rules

The following validation rules are in place for the API.

Request Field Type Value Business Rule Validation Message
No parameters entered string Text At lease one of the following parameters need to be included:
  • Operation
  • CountryName
  • Admin0Pcode
Please provide either the Country Name, Admin0 Pcode or Operation
Operation string Text If Operation entered is not present in the dataset No Operation found matching your query
CountryName string Text If the Country Name entered is not in the dataset No Country found matching your query
Admin0Pcode string Text If Admin0Pcode entered is not present in the dataset No Admin0Pcode found matching your query
Admin1Name string Text If Admin1Name entered is not present in the dataset

If the Country Name and Admin1Pcode is blank and Admin1Name is not blank

No Admin1Name found matching your query

No Admin 1 Name found in this country. Please try again.

Admin1Pcode string Text If Admin1Pcode entered is not present in the dataset

If the Country Name and Admin1Pcode is blank and Admin1Pcode is not blank

No Admin1Pcode found matching your query

No Admin 1 Pcode found in this country. Please try again

Admin2Name string Text If Admin2Name entered is not present in the dataset

If the Country Name and Admin1Pcode is blank and Admin2Name is not blank

No Admin2Name found matching your query

No Admin 2 Name found in this country. Please try again.

Admin2Pcode string Text If Admin2Pcode entered is not present in the dataset

If the Country Name and Admin1Pcode is blank and Admin1Pcode is not blank

No Admin2Pcode found matching your query

No Admin 2 Pcode found in this country. Please try again

Reporting Date Range        
FromReportingDate string Text If FromReportingDate is not in yyyy-mm-dd format
If FromReportingDate is greater than ToReportingDate
Kindly provide FromReportingDate in yyyy-mm-dd format.

From Reporting Date should not be greater than To Reporting Date

ToReportingDate string Text If ToReportingDate not in yyyy-mm-dd format

If ToReportingDate is less than FromReportingDate

Kindly provide ToReportingDate in yyyy-mm-dd format.

From Reporting Date should not be greater than To Reporting Date

Round Number Range        
FromRoundNumber Integer Number If FromRoundNumber is greater than ToRoundNumber

If FromRoundNumber is not a number

From Round Number should not be greater than To Round Number

Value is not valid for FromRoundNumber

ToRoundNumber Integer Number If ToRoundNumber is less than FromRoundNumber

If ToRoundNumber is not a number

From Round Number should not be greater than To Round Number

Value is not valid for ToRoundNumber

Available API Endpoints
- Get All Countries List

This endpoint will provide a list of countries covered by the API.

Note: Admin0 and Admin1 datasets will contain all countries in this list, but for Admin2 we suggest you check the data coverage page here if you get an empty dataset for your query

Parameter Description
Parameter Description
admin0Name Country name
admin0Pcode Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha3)
- Get All Operations List

This endpoint will provide a list of DTM Operations covered by the API.

Note: some operations span multiple countries so you can expect a record for each country as the operation may be active in one country and no longer active in another

Parameter Description
Parameter Description
operation Country name
operationStatus Operation status: Active or Inactive
admin0Name Country name in which the operation is
admin0Pcode Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha3) in which the operation is
- Get IDP Data at Country and Admin level

The API provides three endpoints at three different Administrative Boundary levels: Global IDP Data Country Level, Global IDP Data at Admin 1 Level and Global IDP Data at Admin 2 Level.

Global IDP Data Country Level

This level will return information aggregated at country level to provide a broad snapshot of displacement dynamics.

Sample Requests

The following table gives some sample GET Requests:

Global IDP Data at Admin 1 Level

This level will return information aggregated at the administrative boundaries level 1, states, provinces and equivalent, still providing high-level information, but that drills down past country-level.

Sample Requests

The following table gives some sample GET Requests:

Query URL with parameters
Get IDPs for Ethiopia by Country Name https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia
Get IDPs for Ethiopia by AdminPcode https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?AdminP0Code=ETH
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring for Admin1Name = South Ethiopian People https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring for Admin1Pcode = ET08 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=Countrywide%20monitoring&Admin1Pcode=ET08
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring and reporting date from 01 Jan 2017 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=Countrywide%20monitoring
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring and reporting date between 01 Jan 2020 and 31 Dec 2023 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Round Number is greater than 7 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&FromRoundNumber=7
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Round Number is between 7 & 41 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin1Data/GetAdmin1Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&FromRoundNumber=7&ToRoundNumber=41

Note: in order to use Admin1Name or Admin1Pcode variables you must include either CountryName or Admin0Pcode in your parameter list

Global IDP Data at Admin 2 Level

This level will return information aggregated at the administrative boundaries level 2, the lowest level available on the API, to provide information on smaller administrative areas than states, provinces and equivalent.

Sample Requests

The following table gives some sample GET Requests:

Query URL with parameters
Get IDPs for Ethiopia by Country Name https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia
Get IDPs for Ethiopia by AdminPcode https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?AdminP0Code=ETH
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring for Admin1Name = South Ethiopian People https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring for Admin1Pcode = ET08 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=Countrywide%20monitoring&Admin1Pcode=ET08
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring for Admin2Name = Amaro https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=Countrywide%20monitoring&Admin2Name=Amaro
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring for Admin2Pcode = ET0808 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=Countrywide%20monitoring&Admin2Pcode=ET0808
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring and reporting date from 01 Jan 2017 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&Operation=Countrywide%20monitoring
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Operation = Countrywide Monitoring and reporting date between 01 Jan 2020 and 31 Dec 2023 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Round Number is greater than 7 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&FromRoundNumber=7
Get IDPs for Ethiopia where Round Number is between 7 & 41 https://dtmapi.iom.int/api/idpAdmin2Data/GetAdmin2Datav2?CountryName=Ethiopia&FromRoundNumber=7&ToRoundNumber=41

Note: in order to use Admin2Name or Admin2Pcode variables you must include either CountryName or Admin0Pcode in your parameter list

DTM API Toolkit

The following tools can assist you while using the API by providing data coverage and making the API call seamless and easy

Data Coverage Matrix
Provides data scope, coverage and level of availability.
Explore Tool
API Query Builder
Assists in constructing API parameters and calls
Explore Tool

Use the following frameworks to test the DTM api.

List of Frameworks

To simplify and modernize the data-sharing platform for IDPs, DTM has created a publicly accessible API. This API allows the humanitarian community, academia, media, government, and non-governmental organizations to utilize the data collected by DTM. The DTM API only provides non-sensitive IDP figures, aggregated at the country, Admin 1 (states, provinces, or equivalent), and Admin 2 (smaller subnational administrative areas) levels.

Scope and Data Availability Level

The DTM API shares data stored at the country, Admin 1 (states, provinces or equivalent) and Admin 2 (smaller subnational administrative areas) levels. Greater detail and disaggregation is available in other formats, while the API streamlines data sharing with a focus on simplicity and security to share relevant data with the public.

DTM Assessment Types

Data from two of DTM’s components are included in the API – baseline assessments and multi-sectoral location assessments. A baseline assessment gauges population presence in an administrative area, as well as identifying sub-areas for further assessment such as camps and camp-like settings, or villages and neighbourhoods. Data from these assessments cover sudden onset disasters and share key information on displacement in different contexts. More detailed data are available through the multi-sectoral location assessment, which addresses living conditions and needs of populations in locations identified through the baseline assessments. More information on DTM components is available in the Methodological Framework.


DTM gathers data across all stages of a humanitarian response, from the immediate emergency phase to the pathway toward durable solutions to displacement. Throughout these phases and the transitions between them, data gathering is carried out in rounds deployed with different frequencies depending on the needs of each context – some yearly, quarterly, or more often. This API shares data that show revelatory snapshots of a displacement situation captured at each round.


Internally displaced persons (IDPs):Persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized State border [Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, UN Doc E/CN.4/1998/53/Add.2.] (IOM, 2016). Returnee: any person who was displaced internally or across an international border, but has since returned to his/her place of habitual residence (IOM, 2004).