West and Central Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Central African Republic — Protection Risks Report — Round 7 (20 March — 30 April 2019)

This document uses indicators from the current DTM questionnaire to examine the extent of protection associated needs, assistance gaps and risks reported by key informants in the specific sites surveyed by DTM during the seventh round of data collection.

Mali — Flow Monitoring Report 41 (June 2019)

In Mali, Flow Monitoring Points are set up at key transit locations across the country (Gao, Timbuktu, Kidal, Menaka, Mopti, Kayes, Segou, Sikasso and Bamako) to monitor the movements of travelers coming from and headed to other countries in West and North Africa.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 126 (1 - 7 July 2019)

Within the period of 1 - 7 July, a total of 2,796 movements were recorded, including 2,021 arrivals and 775 departures.

Tchad — Suivi des Urgences (Février — Juin 2019)

Le suivi des urgences (Emergency Tracking Tool, ETT) récolte des informations sur les déplacements soudains et importants des populations. Les informations sont collectées à travers des entretiens avec des informateurs clés ou des observations directes.

Nigeria — IDP Departure from Damboa Town Update Flash Report (9 JULY 2019)

Following the displacement of 9,432 individuals between 21 and 27 May 2019 from Sabon Gari Community to Damboa Town, 142 households (710 individuals) were being hosted in Unity Camp Phase 2, while 156 households (717 individuals) were accommodated in classrooms in GSS Damboa (SSS Quarters).

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report (February — June 2019)

Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) collects information on sudden and important population movements. The information is collected through interviews with key informants or direct observations.

Mali — Rapport de Déplacement (Juin 2019)

La crise sécuritaire que le Mali a connu en 2012 a provoqué d’importants déplacements de populations tant à l’intérieur du territoire que vers les pays limitrophes. 192 communes ont été évaluées, dont 25 nouvelles communes.

Nigeria — Displacement Report 27 (May 2019)

DTM Round 27 assessments were carried out from 25 March to 29 May 2019 in 107 LGAs including 795 wards in the conflict-affected north-eastern Nigerian states of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe.

République Centrafricaine — Rapport sur les déplacements 7 (Juillet 2019)

Un conflit a éclaté en décembre 2013 et provoqué le déplacement internes et transfrontalier de personnes en République Centrafricaine.

Nigeria — Displacement Dashboard 27 (May 2019)

IOM manages the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Nigeria and other countries around the world, to support humanitarian communities with data on displacement and mobility.

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 18 (24—29 June 2019)

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to quickly collect information on sudden displacements of populations. Information is collected through key informant interviews and direct observation.

Tchad — Suivi des Urgences 18 (24—29 Juin 2019)

Le suivi des urgences a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Les informations sont collectées à travers des entretiens avec des informateurs clés ou des observations directes.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 125 (24 - 30 June 2019)

Within the period of 17 - 23 June, a total of 3,700 movements were recorded, including 2,190 arrivals and 1,510 departures.

Burkina Faso — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 26 (Mai 2019)

Au Burkina Faso, des Points de suivi des flux (FMP) sont installés sur plusieurs lieux de transit importants à Ouagadougou, Dori/Seytenga, Kantchari, Faramana et Yendere.

Guinée — Rapport sur le suivi des flux migratoires 23 (Mai 2019)

En Guinée, 5 points de suivi ont été installés depuis avril 2017 dans les localités frontalières avec le Mali et le Sénégal dont 3 sont actifs à ce jour.

Chad — Flow Monitoring Report 26 (May 2016)

This report presents data collected at key transit points in Faya, Kalait, Rig-Rig and Sarh, in Northern, Western and Southern Chad. These Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) were set up in order to monitor the movements of travellers in transit through the country.

Sénégal — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 25 (Mai 2019)

Au Sénégal, deux points de suivi des flux sont installés depuis avril 2019 sur plusieurs lieux de transit importants à Kidira et Moussala et observent plus particulièrement les mouvements quotidiens des bus de voyageurs en provenance et à destination du Mali, de la Gambie et de la Guinée.  C

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 124 (17 - 23 June 2019)

Within the period of 17 - 23 June, a total of 3,436 movements were recorded, including 2,829 arrivals and 607 departures.

Nigeria — Flow Monitoring Report 27 (May 2019)

In Nigeria, FMPs were established in March 2017 in several important transit locations in Sokoto and Kano to monitor the movements of passenger buses to and from Niger. This dashboard is an overview of the data collected in these FMPs in May 2019.

West And Central Africa — Monthly Regional Update (May 2019)

The DTM Monthly Regional Update contains consolidated summary updates and highlights from DTM field operations. This document covers updates from the regional network of flow monitoring of migrants, as well as the tracking and monitoring of internal displacement in the countries.

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