East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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South Sudan — Biometric Registration Update (May 2019)

IOM’s biometric registration system has been active since 2014, with over 776,000 beneficiaries active in its database to date.

Burundi — Dashboard des déplacements pour des désastres naturels (Octobre 2018 - Juin 2019)

D'octobre 2018 à juin 2019, les équipes de suivi des urgences de DTM ont rendu compte des conséquences de 109 catastrophes naturelles. Au cours de cette période, 20 177 personnes ont été touchées et 10 551 personnes déplacées.

South Sudan — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (May 2019)

DTM’s Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) surveys people on the move at key transit points within South Sudan (SSD) and at its borders.

South Sudan — Ebola Preparedness Flow Monitoring Dashboard (May 2019)

As part of IOM’s Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities, DTM operates Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) on the borders with Uganda (UGA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR). In total, 21 EVD-dedicated FMPs were active in May.

Burundi — Dashboard des déplacements (Mai 2019)

Au cours du mois de Mai, la DTM a identifié 115,708 personnes déplacées internes. Les principaux motifs de déplacement ont été : désastres naturels (77%) et autres raisons (23%).

Burundi — Displacement Dashboard (May 2019)

During May 2019, DTM has identified 115,708 IDPs. The main causes for the displacements have been: 77 per cent natural disasters and 23 per cent other reasons.

Burundi — Rapport De Suivi Des Mouvements Transfrontaliers (Avril 2019)

 Du 1er au 30 avril 2019, 46,630 mouvements ont été observés sur 8 points de transit dans les provinces de Muyinga, Cankuzo, Ruyigi et Rutana.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (May 2019)

In May 2019, a total of 24 ,018 movements were observed at Flow Monitoring Points. This represents a significant decrease (29%) in comparison with April 2019 when 32 ,933 movements were observed.

Burundi — Flow Monitoring Report (April 2019)

From 01 to 30 April 2019, 46,630 movements were observed at 8 flow monitoring points in the provinces of Muyinga, Cankuzo, Ruyigi and Rutana.

South Sudan — Mobility Tracking: IDPs and Returnees by sub-area

IOM’s Displacement Tracking is pleased to share with you several maps and a dataset detailing data on the numbers and locations of IDPs and returnees in all counties for 444 sub-areas (payam) disaggregated by period of displacement / return (data collection in March 2019).

Uganda — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Uganda/DRC Border (1-31 May 2019)

Over the reporting period, a total of 124,156 movements were observed at eight (8) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) at the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Uganda — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Uganda/South Sudan Border (1-31 May 2019)

Over the reporting period, a total of 33,667 individual movements were observed at six (6) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) at the Ugandan (UGA) border with South Sudan (SSD).

East and Horn of Africa — Monthly Regional Update (April 2019)

The DTM Monthly Regional Update contains consolidated summary updates and highlights from DTM field operations in April 2019.

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 5 — Returnees By County As Of March 2019

This map, based on Mobility Tracking Round 5 Baseline data, shows the number of returnees by county in South Sudan as of March 2019.

Est et Corne de l’Afrique - Fiche d'information 2019

Le bureau régional de la DTM a porté assistance à la mise en place d’un réseau de 65 points de suivi des flux migratoires, sur les quatre routes principales dans la région (voir carte ci-dessus) à Djibouti (11), en Ethiopie (5), en Somalie (7), au Soudan du Sud (19), en Ouganda (15) et au Burundi

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 5 — Locations By Type As Of March 2019

This map, based on Mobility Tracking Round 5 Baseline data, shows locations hosting IDPs and returnees by type in South Sudan as of March 2019.

South Sudan — Map: Mobility Tracking Round 5 — IDPs by county as of March 2019

This map, based on Mobility Tracking Round 5 Baseline data, shows the number of IDPs by county in South Sudan as of March 2019.

South Sudan — Mobility Tracking Round 5 Baseline Locations Summary

This summary represents findings for the fifth round of Mobility Tracking, conducted in South Sudan through key-informant based assessments at sub-area and location levels.

East And Horn of Africa — Monthly Regional Snapshot (April 2019)

The DTM Monthly Regional Snapshot contains summary updates of DTM field operations. It is published on a monthly basis and covers the East Africa and Horn of Africa Region.

South Sudan — Ebola Preparedness Flow Monitoring Report (January-April 2019)

As part of IOM’s Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities, DTM operates Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) on the borders with Uganda (UGA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR).

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA Headcount (May 2019)

Throughout 2018 until February 2019, DTM observed a steady decline of Wau PoC AA site’s population. However, between March and May, the population increased by 30 per cent (by 4,248 individuals).

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Tambura (May 2019)

The International Organization for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has identify 446 IDPs (174 Households) in Tambura Centre (Tambura County), Western Equatoria confirming recent reports of new displacement in the area.

Ethiopia — Displacement Report 16, Gambella (March - April 2019)

20,883 displaced individuals comprising  3,034 households in 13 displacement sites were identified in Gambella region.

Ethiopia — Displacement Report 16, Somali Region (March - April 2019)

1,066,732 displaced individuals comprising  176,771 households in 415 displacement sites were identified in Somali region.

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