East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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South Sudan — Unity Catalogue 4 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Unity, counties Panyijar - Pariang, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019). 

South Sudan — Warrap Catalogue 2 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Warrap,  counties Tonj North - Twic, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

East And Horn of Africa — Monthly Regional Snapshot (May 2019)

The DTM Monthly Regional Snapshot contains summary updates of DTM field operations. It is published on a monthly basis and covers the East Africa and Horn of Africa Region.

South Sudan — Eastern Equatoria Catalogue 2 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Eastern Equatoria, counties Lafan - Torit, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Jonglei Catalogue 4 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Jonglei, counties Twic East - Uror, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Unity Catalogue 2 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Unity, counties Koch - Mayom I/II, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Upper Nile Catalogue 1 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Upper Nile, counties Baliet - Maban, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Western Equatoria Catalogue 1 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Western Equatoria, counties Ezo - Mundri East, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).&nb

Uganda — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Uganda/DRC Border (1-30 June 2019)

Over the reporting period, a total of 145,900 movements were observed at fifteen (15) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) at the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Uganda — Flow Monitoring Dashboard: Uganda/South Sudan Border (1-30 June 2019)

Over the reporting period, a total of 29,118 individual movements were observed at six (6) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) at the Ugandan (UGA) border with South Sudan (SSD).  Over 41% of all movement was tracked through Oraba FMP (11,969), with almost equal division between outgoing (49%)

South Sudan — Northern Bahr el Ghazal Catalogue — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Unity Catalogue 5 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Unity, county Rubkona, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Western Bahr el Ghazal Catalogue 1 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Western Bahr el Ghazal, county Jur River, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Jonglei Catalogue 1 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Jonglei, counties Akobo - Duk, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Lakes Catalogue 1 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Lakes, counties Awerial - Rumbek East, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019

South Sudan — Unity Catalogue 3 — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Unity, county Mayom II/II, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019). The

South Sudan — Central Equatoria Catalogue — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue contains two-page multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed villages and neighbourhoods (host-community settings) hosting IDPs and/or returnees in Central Equatoria, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019).

South Sudan — Mobility Tracking Report 5 (19 July 2019)

During Round 5 of Mobility Tracking (March 2019), 1,420,189 IDPs and 1,183,683 returnees were identified.52,268 IDPs arrived Jan-March 2019.534,082 returnees, 39% of whom came from abroad,came back since R-ARCSS (Sept 2018 - March 2019). In

South Sudan — Biometric registration update (June 2019)

IOM’s biometric registration system has been active since 2014, with 821,278 beneficiaries active in its database to date, out of which 56% (460,569 individuals) are women; and 60.8% (499,264 individuals) are under 18 years old.

South Sudan — Wau PoC AA site and collective centres headcount (June 2019)

In June 2019 a monthly headcount was carried out in Wau PoC AA site, as well as Cathedral, Nazareth, St. Joseph, Lokoloko and Masna collective centres. A total of 32,449 individuals were identified.

East and Horn of Africa — Monthly Regional Update (May 2019)

The DTM Monthly Regional Update contains consolidated summary updates and highlights from DTM field operations in May 2019.

South Sudan — Sites Catalogue — Mobility Tracking Round 5

This catalogue presents multi-sectoral profiles for all assessed IDP camps and camp-like settings in South Sudan, based on DTM’s Mobility Tracking Round 5 data (data collection March 2019). Please use the interactive table of contents to navigate the report.

Djibouti — Rapport sur les Points de suivi des flux (Mai 2019)

En Mai 2019, la Matrice de Suivi de Déplacements (DTM) a enregistré 24 251 mouvements de migrations dans 7 FMPs à Djibouti. Cela représente une augmentation de 141% du nombre de mouvements observés par rapport à avril 2019.

Burundi — Dashboard des déplacements pour des désastres naturels (Octobre 2018 - Juin 2019)

D'octobre 2018 à juin 2019, les équipes de suivi des urgences de DTM ont rendu compte des conséquences de 109 catastrophes naturelles. Au cours de cette période, 20 177 personnes ont été touchées et 10 551 personnes déplacées.

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