


Desplazados internos rastreados

Movimientos de desplazamiento

IDMC 2023

Ronda de recopilación de datos

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Tendencia de la población de desplazados internos

  • División administrativa con número disponible de personas desplazadas
  • Sitio evaluado por DTM
  • Data not available
Sobre Nigeria

The escalation of violence between all parties in north-eastern Nigeria since 2014 has resulted in mass displacement and deprivation in the states of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe. To better understand the scope of displacement and assess the needs of affected populations, IOM has been implementing its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme starting July 2014, in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and State Emergency Management Agencies (SEMAs). The activities of the DTM project, which consist of conducting baseline assessments and registration for IDPs living in camps and host communities, are currently being carried out in Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe.

The information collected will contribute to the provision of a comprehensive profile of the IDP population in Nigeria which will be shared with all relevant stakeholders and will contribute towards enabling the government of Nigeria and humanitarian partners identify the needs of Nigeria's displaced population and develop interventions for providing IDPs necessary assistance.


DTM Nigeria

Current Donors
  • ECHO
  • BHA
  • Canada
Impacto en la movilidad debido a COVID-19 en Nigeria

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 366 (5 - 11 February 2024)

Between 05 and 11 February 2024, a total of 3,260 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — North-east — Mobility Tracking Round 46 IDP and Returnee Atlas (December 2023)

In Round 46, a total of 2,305,335 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) were identified in 472,239 households. This signifies a slight increase of less than one per cent (or 9,801 individuals) compared to Round 45 when 2,295,534 IDPs were recorded (June 2023).

Nigeria — North-east Mafa LGA - Borno State Flash Report (12 February 2024)

On 04 February 2024, a fire broke out in Government Girls Secondary School Camp, Mafa, Mafa Local Government Area (LGA) in Borno State. The fire damaged and destroyed shelters and belongings of several IDP household. There were no reported injuries or fatalities.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 365 (29 January - 4 February 2024)

Between 29 January and 04 February 2024, a total of 1,578 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — North-east Konduga and Monguno LGAs - Borno State Flash Report (8 February 2024)

On 06 and 07 February 2024, fires broke out in GSSSS camp Monguno, and Mashamari Kuluye camp of Konduga Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno State, which destroyed the shelters and possessions of many Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Nigeria — North-east Damaturu and Geidam LGAs - Yobe State Flash Report (5 February 2024)

Between 20 and 22 January 2024, a non-state armed group (NSAG) carried out attacks in Hausari and Kalallawa/Gabai wards in Geidam and Damaturu LGAs of Yobe State, leading to the displacement of a large number of the affected population. 

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 364 (22 - 28 January 2024)

Between 22 and 28 January 2024, a total of 2,198 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — North-east Damaturu, Geidam, Gujba LGAs - Yobe State Flash Report (29 January 2024)

On 6 January 2024, a Non-State Armed Group (NSAG) carried out an attack in Gujba, Asheikri and Gabir/Maduri wards in Gujba, Geidam and Damaturu LGAs of Yobe State, leading to a substantial wave of population displacement. 

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 363 (15 - 21 January 2024)

Between 15 and 21 January 2024, a total of 2,649 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — North-east Monguno LGA - Borno State Flash Report (23 January 2024)

On 22 January 2024, fires broke out in Flutari, Gana Ali, and Water Board camps in Monguno Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno State, which destroyed the shelters and possessions of many Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Nigeria — Transhumance Tracking Tool Report — Early Warning Dashboard 5 — Kachia and Kaura LGAs, Kaduna State and Faskari and Kaita LGAs, Katsina State (December 2023)

In December 2023, the TTT early warning tool captured 179 alerts in Faskari and Kaita LGAs of Katsina State, and Kachia and Kaura LGAs of Kaduna State. The triangulated alerts included events (22%) and massive/sudden movements (78%) during the period.

Nigeria — Transhumance Tracking Tool Report — Early Warning Dashboard 5 — Batsari, Dan musa, Jibia and Kankara LGAs, Katsina State (December 2023)

In December 2023, the TTT early warning tool captured 68 alerts in Batsari, Dan Musa, Jibia and Kankara LGAs of Katsina State. The triangulated alerts included events (79%) and massive/sudden movements (21%) during the period.

Nigeria — North East Kaga, Mafa & Ngala LGAs - Borno State Flash Report (18 January 2024)

Between 08 and 13 January 2024, fires broke out in Government Girls Secondary School, Zullum and NRC Camps of Mafa, Ngala, and Kaga Local Government Areas (LGAs) and Tukuleri Host Community of Mafa LGA in Borno State. There were no reported injuries or fatalities.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 362 (8 — 14 January 2024)

Between 08 and 14 January 2024, a total of 6,114 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — Transhumance Tracking Tool Report — Early Warning Dashboard 4 — Kachia and Kaura LGAs, Kaduna State and Faskari and Kaita LGAs, Katsina State (November 2023)

In November 2023, the TTT early warning tool captured 57 alerts in Faskari and Kaita LGAs of Katsina State, and Kachia and Kaura LGAs of Kaduna State. The triangulated alerts included events (35%) and sudden movements (65%) during the period.

Nigeria — Transhumance Tracking Tool Report — Early Warning Dashboard 20 — Adamawa and Taraba states (December 2023)

In December 2023, a total of 246 alerts were reported, consisting of 211 events (86%) and 35 movements (14%). The alerts included 155 (63%) and 91 (37%) reports in Adamawa and Taraba states, respectively.

Nigeria — North-east - Adamawa and Borno State Flash Report (12 January 2024)

On 1 January 2024, a non-state armed group (NSAG) reportedly attacked Gatawarwa Town in the Gatamarwa ward of Chibok LGA in Borno State. The attack affected 114 individuals. As a result of the attack, 12 fatalities and 16 injuries were reported.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 361 (1 — 7 January 2024)

Between 01 and 07 January 2024, a total of 2,200 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states.

Nigeria — North-East — Displacement Factsheet 46 (December 2023)

Data collection for IDPs took place between July and September 2023 in 2,068 localities in the six states of north-east Nigeria (Borno, Adamawa, Yobe, Gombe, Taraba and Bauchi).

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 360 (25 — 31 December 2023)

Between 25 and 31 December 2023, a total of 915 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — North-Central and North-West Displacement Report 12 (December 2023)

Round 12 of DTM data collection in Nigeria’s north-west and north-central regions was conducted between 13 September and 24 October 2023.

Nigeria — Biometric Registration Update Report 3 Benue State (1 January 2024)

Six LGAs have been mapped as locations with IDPs in Benue State based on DTM Round 11 (March 2023).

Nigeria — Attacks Flash Report Bokkos LGA, Plateau State (1 January 2024)

On December 24th, 2023, a series of devastating attacks unfolded across numerous communities in Bokkos Local Government Area (LGA) of Plateau State, prompting urgent humanitarian response. The attackers targeted residents, resulting in the displacement of 1,868 households and 13,310 individuals.

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Nigeria — Baseline Assessment — Round 32

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking
Nigeria — Location Assessment — Round 32

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Location Assessment — Round 32

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Baseline Assessment — Round 31

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking
Nigeria — Location Assessment — Round 31

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Site Assessment — Round 31

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Location Assessment Round 3

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Site Assessment Round 3

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Baseline Assessment Round 3

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking
Nigeria — Location Assessment — Round 30

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Site Assessment — Round 30

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Baseline Assessment — Round 30

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Site Assessment Round 2

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Baseline Assessment Round 2

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Nigeria — North Central and North West Zones Location Assessment Round 2

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Site Assessment — Round 29

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Location Assessment — Round 29

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Baseline Assessment — Round 29

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking
Nigeria — Baseline Assessment Round 28

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones — Baseline Assessment — Round 1

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment

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Nigeria — North-east — Returnees Comparison at LGA Level Round 44 (April 2023)

Returnee comparison at the Local Government Area (LGA) level. Change in the number of returnees compared to Round 43.

Nigeria — North-east — IDP Comparison at LGA Level Round 44 (April 2023)

IDP comparison at the Local Government Area (LGA) level. Change in the number of IDPs compared to Round 43.